This section covers 'Trades'
- Pre Trading Expenses
- This screen is where you can record details of pre-Trading Expenses and claim relief for these expenses on the commencement of a Trade. The Pre-Trading expenses are shown between the Balance Sheet Analysis and Trading Income in the Data Navigator.
- Creating Trades
- You can create various trade types in CCH Corporation Tax. The software supports the creation of trades in long periods of account (POAs) with multiple accounting periods (APs), as well as in standard single accounting periods.
- Trade Data Entry
- Trade Summary
- Turnover
- Disallowables / Adjustments
- Provisions
- Bad debts
- Remuneration unpaid
- Pensions
- Creative Industry Relief
- Enhanced Expenditure
- Land and Property
- Land Remediation
- Patent Box
- Transfer Pricing
- Anti Avoidance
- Lease Premiums
- Leased Cars
- Trade Loan Relationships
- Finance Leases
- Foreign Trade
- Trade Intangible Fixed Assets