CCH Trust Accounts: Pension Scheme Accounts Training
This single online show & tell session provides training in the preparation of the pension accounts in CCH Trust Accounts/CCH Accounts Production.
Course Duration: The session will last up to 3 hours.
Key Objectives
- To ensure that all delegates have a complete understanding of the how to set up and use the CCH Trust Accounts software to deal with pension cases
- To ensure that all delegates can enter transactions in the software relating to pension cases
- To ensure that all delegates can produce a set of detailed pension accounts and produce pension reports
Course Contents
Attendees should adhere to the Training session Guidelines.
All attendees should have a good understanding of CCH Central and Pension Schemes.
All attendees hould have completed the Data Entry and CCH Accounts Production Formatter training.
Who is this course designed for?
CCH Trust Accounts users who will be preparing pension accounts
Useful Resources
- eLearning courses - online courses that provide you with an overview and insight into our software
- Bitesize videos - Compliance and Non-Compliance - showing you how to use features (and also some specific focused areas) of our software
- Webinars - sessions for you to attend and learn from