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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Audit Automation 2022.3 Service Pack 2 Release Notes

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CCH Audit Automation 2022.3 Service Pack 2 Release Notes

Release Highlights

This release provides a number enhancements and minor quality improvements.

Update note

During testing an issue was found with the release build. The conversion routine from the BDE software was failing. Unfortunately, this was identified very late in our release schedule and to include a fix in the release would have meant delaying the release by another week. Due to the timing of the release, we felt that this would not be acceptable for the majority of clients therefore we have made the decision to make the fix for this issue available via our support site without the need for a further CSI update. Please see the knowledge base article regarding this issue. This should be carried out following the update to 2022.320 via the CSI.


Installing CCH Audit Automation 2022.320 Service Pack

This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licensed are installed in the correct sequence.

Click here to  find out more about the Central Suite Installer.

Offline Data

Any client data that has been taken offline should be traveled back to the office database before updating the system.


Software Enhancements

Background information update on changing master pack

When changing the master pack the client is based on, the software will now delete any background information areas attached to the client where the underlying background information content has been updated. Any background information areas that are removed when changing master pack can be re-created and the updated documentation will be included.

Removing procedures linked to identified risks

A new remove all option has been added to the test selection screen. This can be used to remove all the tests linked to the area.


Master pack merge routine

The master pack merge routine has been updated to always include the main index, look up tables and the master pack settings from the default master pack. Where these areas have been amended in the practice level master pack they can be updated as required in the new master following the running of the merge routine. This is to ensure that following the merge of the master pack the new localised master pack will not have any conflicts in these areas.

Identified risks and key accounting estimates justification

When closing identified risks and key accounting estimates the software will now check that the justification for all assertions has been saved and not only the active assertion. 


Quality Improvements

ITS/66454 - Area risk setting still appears in red even though procedures have been selected

This issue has been resolved

ITS/66453 - Identified risk justification for default risk entered for a client appearing on another client

This issue has been resolved

ITS/66446 - Comments and Working paper not being retained on answering a checklist question

This issue was the result of the work we did to speed up the closing and moving through the checklist questions and has been resolved.

ITS/66441 - Unable to review Background Documents on Main index

This issue has been resolved

ITS/66440 – Master Pack merge routine - look up tables not included

This issue has been resolved

ITS/66438 - PCAS Charity Unable to create a document based on a template: Accounting & tax compliance safeguards

Fixed in PCAS charity master pack 16.

ITS/66437 - Data conversion from BDE to SQL Identified risk and Controls database missing

Previously when converting client data from the BDE software to the SQL version the identified risk and key controls were not included. This issue has been resolved.

ITS/66452 - Error viewing identified risk summary report

The new reporting screen was not working for clients using SQL 2014. This issue has now been resolved.

Checklist header error message

Previously when selecting a heading in a checklist an error message would be shown. This issue will no longer occur.

Key Controls

Previously the Key control and IT control checkboxes could not be selected independently of each other. This issue has been resolved.

Risk Summary Reports

The filtering options on the risk summary report have been removed and the show all option has now been removed.

Checklist questions outstanding

In some cases when performing file sign off the user may be incorrectly warned that there are checklist questions outstanding. This issue has been resolved.


Master pack updates

The following master packs have been included in the CSI and once updated can be installed from the master pack menu when logging into the software with administrator rights. Only the master packs that are licensed will be available.

The master packs manuals have been combined into one document for each methodology and can be found here: ##included link to MP documentation##

  • CCH master packs
  1. IFULL 14 - CCH - ISA Full Audit Pack
  2. IGROUP 14 - CCH - ISA Group Audit Pack
  3. CCHCH 15 - CCH - Charity Audit Pack
  4. CCHLLP 13 - CCH - LLP Master Pack
  5. IPEN 11 - CCH - ISA Pension Scheme Audit
  • Mercia master packs
  1. MERLLP 10 – Mercia LLP master pack
  2. MERPEN 10 – Mercia Pension master pack
  3. MERCHA 16 – Mercia Charity master pack
  4. MERAEX 17 – Mercian Non-audit master pack
  • PCAS master packs
  1. PAAPPEN 16 – PCAS pension master pack
  2. PAAPCH 16 – PCAS charity master pack
  3. PCASNA 16 – PCAS non audit master pack


The master pack and procedures manuals have been udpated for all methodologies, this can be found on the master pack content page.


Known Issues

Legal Notice

Disclaimer : Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these Release Notes. However, Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, its staff and agents will not be liable for any errors or omissions and use of the software is subject to the customer’s licence with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited. These Release Notes should not be relied upon as a detailed specification of the system or the software. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may make changes to these Release Notes from time to time. This is provided for informational purposes only. The information reflected in this document may be changed or updated without notice. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may also make improvements and/or changes in its products, practices, and/or programs described in this document at any time without notice. This document should not be seen as a contractual agreement, a modification or amendment of any existing contractual agreement with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, or an indication of terms of service. All technical data, specification and other information contained in this document is confidential and the proprietary intellectual property of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited and/or its licensors. No reproduction, copy, alteration, or distribution thereof may be made without the express written consent of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited.

Copyright: These Release Notes may not be copied, altered, edited, disposed of, or distributed without the prior consent of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited. The content is confidential. Unless indicated otherwise all elements of this software product are owned by Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd. © 2023 Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited

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