Register for our Support Portal
Joining our Support Portal keeps you in touch with the latest news on areas that are important to you. Join Groups that are relevant to your expertise or role in your business and you'll make contact with other Wolters Kluwer customers who can offer advice on using our products, or maybe you can answer a query for them. This is also how you'll receive product update notifications and other important information.
In our Support Portal, you can also search our Knowledgebase or get in touch with our teams by creating a case, or track open cases and see case history.
For every Wolters Kluwer customer, there is an appointed admin user who takes responsibility for the creation and maintenance of users on the Support Portal for their business. Please take a look at this page to find out more. If you have an external IT provider, you can direct them to this page.
If you have any questions regarding registering on our Support Portal and/or joining a Group, please click here