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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Audit Automation: BDE to SQL - Converter Consultancy



This online single session covers Master Pack administration functionality plus the setup work and the process of converting client files and where appropriate Master Packs from the BDE version to the SQL version.


This online single session covers Master Pack administration functionality plus the setup work and the process of converting client files and where appropriate Master Packs from the BDE version to the SQL version. 

Course Duration: This session will last up to 3 hours.

Key objectives

  • Masterpack Administation
  • Convert client files and where appropriate Master Packs from the BDE version to the SQL version. 

Course Contents

Master Pack Administration

  • New Hierarchical Structure
  • Creating
  • Editing
  • Installing
  • Merging
  • Master Chart selection



Client Conversion process

  • Running the converter programme on selected clients 
  • Checking the conversion log
  • Checking integrity of the client data in SQL
  • Balancing forward to new year in SQL
  • Updating to latest Master pack



Attendees should adhere to the Training session Guidelines.

All attendees should have a good understanding of the BDE version of CCH Audit Automation and the existing audit procedures and policies of the practice.

Data is being transferred from one database to another and therefore the following will need to be done in advance of the consultancy:

  • Identify which users on the BDE system have not worked on client files to be converted.  
  • Typically these would be old users who have left the firm a year or more ago but have not been deleted from the BDE system. 
  • The actual deletion of these will be done during the consultancy.
  • Select a few clients that we can use to test the conversion process.  
  • It would be best if these clients are at finalisation status in the BDE version.
  • We will need to use one of your computers to show you how to transfer clients. 
  • The computer we use will need to be running both old and new versions of the CCH Audit software as well as CCH Central and this of course will need to be the computer you use for the consultancy session. 
  • Contact us if you have made extensive changes to any of your Master Packs. 
  • If you have this may mean CCH will have to do some work on them prior to the consultancy so we will need as much notice as possible if this is the case.
  • Please note that in any event we will have a pre call\email exchange concerning the above points prior to the consultancy session.

Who is this course designed for?

Representative(s) with Responsibility for the Running of the system - We will be covering how to convert files from old to new system as well as the administration of the Master Packs.  
Therefore any user who has System Manager status for the system needs to be involved.
Representative(s) who will be converting files – Super Users who will be involved in converting client files.

Although we should not require IT during this session it is essential they can be contacted in case they are needed. 
We will require access to your live system during the consultancy session and may need to do some setup work in CCH Central as well as the client converter program and will need system admin rights in CCH Central to do

Note:  When combined with BDE to SQL Advanced Converter Consultancy this is available on site as two sessions. Course length may vary depending on issues we may encounter during the setup work and transfer of client files. Your consultant will discuss the agenda ahead of your session


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