CCH Audit Automation 2023.1 Release Notes
Release Highlights
This release provides a number enhancements and minor quality improvements.
Installing CCH Audit Automation 2023.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licensed are installed in the correct sequence.
Click here to find out more about the Central Suite Installer.
Offline Data
Any client data that has been taken offline should be traveled back to the office database before updating the system.
Software Enhancements
Conversion routine update
A new configuration file "ConfigConv" has been added to the deploy folder and will be used during the conversion process. This allows firms to determine if new clients are allowed to be created as part of the process and if the conversion process should set up new employee records. The routine can also be configured to stop the conversion routine from updating the system options.
The ConfigConv file has three settings that can be updated, they will be set to 0 as default and leaving the configuration set to 0 will keep the functionality as it currently is. Setting the configuration to 1 will update the conversion routine as follows:
ClientConversionWithoutUser – This option will prevent new users being set up during the conversion process
ClientConversionWithoutNewClient – This option will stop users from creating new clients as part of the conversion process.
ClientConversionWithoutSystemOptions – This option will stop the conversion routine updating the system option in the SQL version as part of the conversion process.
Quality Improvements
ITS 66492 - FIle sign off
Previously, when signing off an audit file the pack would not move to the completion stage. This was affecting the PCAS master pack and has now been resolved.
Key Accounting estimates included in travelled data
Previously, when travelling client data, the key accounting estimates were not included – this has now been resolved.
Change master pack routine updated
As part of the change master pack routine the software will now remove the financial statement areas, assertions and audit procedures from Identified risks, Key controls and the Area risk assessment if any areas that were linked to Identify risks, Key controls and the area risk assessment are not present in the new master pack. They will be removed from the client and will need to be re-added. Previously, if an area was removed from an updated master pack that the client is based upon it was not possible to update these on the client, with this fix this issue will no longer arise.
Arithmetic overflow error
When converting master pack or client data with more than eight numbers used for nominal codes the system will no longer display an arithmetic overflow error.
ITS 66385 - Access violation error when removing a client
This error will no longer show when removing client data.
ITS 66370 - Opening a document that is already open
Previously, when opening a document that was already open the software would reopen the document resulting in the loss of any unsaved work. This issue has been resolved.
Deleting a Key Accounting Estimate
Deleting a key accounting estimate will now remove all the underlying information linked to the key accounting estimate.
Changing master pack - Main index not updating
Previously, when updating the master pack, the main index would not update correctly to the new master pack. This issue has been resolved.
Identified Risk / Key Accounting estimates Justification Mouse Over
The mouse over to the justification box has been updated to correctly reflect the information entered. Previously the information displayed on the mouse over pop up was showing information relating to another field. This update applies to Identify risks, key accounting estimates and area risk assessment.
Unable to travel offline data back to the network
Previously, when traveling client data back to the network if the user had used the journal routine while working offline the data would not always travel back to the network correctly. This issue has been resolved.
Removal of area risk assesment values
Previously, when a new client was created the previous client that had been exited prior to creating the new client would result in the area risk assessment values being removed for the existing client. This issue has been resolved.