CCH Accounts Production 2023.1: Release Notes
Release Highlights
This release provides a number of enhancements and other usability improvements covering Accounts Production and Working Papers.
User Guides are available in Help here and the earlier Release Notes can be found here.
Note that this release of Accounts Production does not include support for the FRC 2022 taxonomies because we are waiting for HMRC to provide a testing facility which is due on 16th March. This is too late for this release.
Installing CCH Accounts Production 2023.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.
Legislative & Compliance Updates
Packs updated
The following master packs have been updated for this release. These are discussed in more detail in the following sections.
- Limited (FRS 102) – pack 45.00
- Consolidated (FRS 102) – pack 37.00
- Limited Micro Entity (FRS 105) – pack 28.00
- Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) – pack 32.00
- Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) – pack 17.00
- Limited IFRS – pack 37.00
- Consolidated (IFRS) – pack 12.00
- Charity (FRS 102) – pack 23.00
- Unincorporated – pack 20.00
Key changes that apply to multiple packs
Accountants' reports
For all active master packs with accountants' reports, the accountants' reports have been updated for:
- The release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022;
- Minor changes to align better with CPA Miscellaneous Technical Statement M14, ACCA Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TECH 0716 AAF and ICAEW TECH 0816 AAF.
Most of the changes relate to ROI reports, with minor changes to UK reports.
For UK corporate micro-entities applying FRS 105, the existing references within the directors' responsibilities paragraph to a true and fair view have been removed; instead, the reports now refer to the directors' responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 with respect to accounting records and the preparation of financial statements.
ROI government grants
DPER Circular 13/2014 requires recipients of public funding to include certain information within their audited financial statements, as a condition for receiving grant money. This is not an accounting standards requirement or a statutory accounts preparation requirement: it is part of an agreement between grantor and grantee. The disclosure requirements are lengthy, including not only information about the grant and its application, but also about higher paid employees (even if the grant does not fund employment).
The following master packs have been updated to simplify the process of disclosing the required information:
- FRS 102 Limited
- IFRS Limited
- FRS 102 Charities
The information is shown in a separate tab to the Deferred income / Grants note and it includes everything required by DPER Circular 13/2014. Its display is triggered by a statutory database flag within the Deferred income / Grants node included under Balance sheet notes.
Government grants generally
A new paragraph #pn999686 has been included within the Operating profit note, providing a specific place (with guidance) for users to disclose the information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20 in either the existing option within the Deferred income / Grants note (when there are balances at the period end) or the new option of showing it in the Operating profit note (when there are no balances). This applies to all FRS 102 entities.
Disposal gains/losses on fixed asset investments
It was not clear from the nominal chart descriptions that these should be treated in the same way as amounts written off / written back. Therefore codes 4411 - 4433 have been reworded to say 'Amounts written off / losses on disposal' and 'Amounts written back / gains on disposal'. This applies to all FRS 102 and IFRS entities.
Change of name/change of period date
It is necessary for the financial statements to call attention to such changes. The master packs for all entities have been amended to simplify and clarify the requirements:
- In the statutory database for corporate entities, guidance has been added to the Introduction paragraph of the directors' report section, setting out the requirements for disclosure there.
- For all balance sheets (including in the management sections), the day and month of the period ends will now appear as part of the column headings whenever the current period end does not correspond to the previous period end (apart from the first year).
- For all profit and loss accounts, the existing requirement to show the day and month of the period ends whenever the period is not a year has been made consistent across all entities.
- The User guides for FRS 102 and FRS 105 have been expanded to give specific guidance.
Note that for FRS 105, an optional note has been added for users to add information about a change in period end dates. Such notes already exist in other corporate entities.
"Investment properties" vs "Investment property"
Both terms are used in IFRS and FRS 102, but the general description in accounting standards and in statutory formats is "Investment property". Therefore, all headings have been changed to reflect this.
Showing principal activities in the strategic report
An additional flag #sr6 has been added to all corporate entities that require strategic reports (ie 102 Limited and Group; IFRS Limited and Group). This gives users the option (within the strategic reports node) to show principal activities there instead of in the directors' report.
Column headings for detailed P&L in the management collection
The tagging of detailed accounts can be disrupted by the formatting of column headings, and the display of those headings has not been consistent across all entities. These headings have now been set up with a consistent style that will ensure the automatic identification of current / comparative figures.
Limited (FRS 102) Master Pack 45.00
Key enhancements applying to this pack alone
Financial instruments note
An additional flag #bn9991765 has been added and the suppression of the note (and statutory database nodes) has been changed so that:
- All entities that have financial instruments which are FVTPL will show the note.
- Small entities and entities applying the reduced disclosure framework will automatically suppress the note unless they have FVTPL, but this suppression can be overriden by the existing flag #bn9991319.
- Non-small entities without FVTPL will by default show the note (since the disclosure requirements are quite broad) but this disclosure can be overriden by the new flag #bn9991765.
- The statutory database now has more extensive guidance.
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page4dir - Directors' Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page4sr - Strategic Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final UK tab.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment Properties" to "Investment Property".
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note14 - Investment Income: VSTS 265004 - Removed unnecessary paragraph above financial assets summary; Improved keep together for both tabs.
- Note15 - Interest Payable And Similar Charge: VSTS 265004 - Corrected formatting on other finance costs (full tab) and improved keep together for both tabs.
- Note30 - Financial Instruments: VSTS 265004 - Amended to hide column headings if there are no figures entered; removed paragraph about hedging gains reclassified (already shown in OCI/SOCIE); amended page setup to suppress note where chosen by #bn9991765.
- Note34 - Debtors: VSTS 265261 - Amended print suppression for debtors fft paragraph to refer to #bn999276. VSTS 265004 - Corrected KT and added print condition for Row 34 of the SCE tab.
- Note43 - Creditors Due Within One Year: VSTS 265261 - Applied keep together to paragraphs.
- Note51 - Grants And Deferred Income: VSTS 272498 - Include tab for ROI government grants disclosure.
- Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6 VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings; Removed unnecessary underlining where there is only one COS class.
- Mgmtdpl3f2 - Schedules To Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Mgmtbs - Detailed Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Formattedtb - Formatted Trial Balance: VSTS 265004 - Added codes for exceptional fair value gains, share of associate profits and gains on disposal of operations.
The following formats were added:
- Note118 - Revision Of Defective Financial Statements : VSTS 263780 - New note for revised accounts - do not use until Revised financial statements is activated in a future release.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Opinion: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring in line with newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region. VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022, and updating also for ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (AAT): STS 268037 - Removed ref to #tErmh2.
The following should not be used until Revised financial statements is activated in a future release.
- Audit Report - Opinion - Introduction: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts
- Audit Report - Opinion - Opinion: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Basis for opinion - Basis for opinion: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Other information - Other information: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Matters on which we are required to report by exception: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Responsibilities of directors: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Auditor's responsibilities - Auditor's responsibilities: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Bannerman: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Matters on which we are required to report by exception - Ineligible group: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Matters on which we are required to report by exception - Small company exemption: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
- Audit Report - Going concern - Going concern conclusion 2019: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Audit Report - Emphasis of matter - Revised financial statements: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts - do not use until Revised financial statements is activated in a future release.
- General - Client preferences - Approval of revised accounts: VSTS 263780 - Amendment to allow for revised accounts - do not use until Revised financial statements is activated in a future release.
Name range additions
Name Range | Detail | Tag |
DPLGovGrants | DPL Goverment Grants used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLGovernmentGrantIncome |
DPLStaffCosts | DPL Staff Costs used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLStaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
DPLTOTREV | DPL Turnover Income used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLTurnoverRevenue |
DPLOtherOperatInc | DPL Other Operating Income used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLOtherOperatingIncome |
DPLGrossProfit | DPL Gross Profit (Loss) | ie-dpl_DPLGrossProfitLoss |
DPLProfitBeforeTax | DPL Profit before tax used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLProfitLossBeforeTax |
DPLSubContract | DPL Subcontractor costs | ie-dpl_DPLSubcontractorCosts |
Above ranges are for ROI FRS102 Ltd only
Statutory database amendments
Strategic report: Added flag #sr6 to give the option (within the strategic reports node) to show principal activities there instead of in the directors' report and added that paragraph within the business review section.
P&L notes - Operating profit: Added paragraph #pn999686 for users to disclose the government grants information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20
Balance sheet notes - Financial instruments: Added flag #bn9991765 for the suppression of the note.
Balance sheet notes - Deferred income: Added flag and section for the provision of ROI grant infomation, using new codes #bn9991766 to #bn9991782.
Consolidated (FRS 102) Master Pack 37.00
Format amendments
- Page3con - Contents: VSTS 265261 - Amended to suppress the accountants report in the filing copy unless requested using #sce37.
- Page4dir - Directors' Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page4sr - Strategic Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 265261 - Amended page setup to suppress the report in the filing copy unless requested using #sce37. VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final UK tab.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Reset subtitle rows to take account of period end date disclosures.
- Page7sofp - Company Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Page7gsofp - Group Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Page7soce - Company SOCIE: VSTS 265261 - Remove repetitive references to "in the year".
- Page7gsoce - Group SOCIE: VSTS 265261 - Remove repetitive references to "in the year".
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note14 - Investment Income: VSTS 265004 - Removed unnecessary paragraph above financial assets summary; Improved keep together for both tabs.
- Note15 - Interest Payable And Similar Expenses: VSTS 265004 - Improved keep together for both tabs.
- Note30 - Financial Instruments: VSTS 265004 - Amended to hide column rows if there are no figures entered.
- Note34 - Debtors: VSTS 265261 - Amended debtors fft paragraph to refer to #bn999276.
- Grpmgmtdpl2 - Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings; Added underlining for subtotal of COS class.
- Grpmgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Audit trail 15 - Group Audit Trail - 15 Subsidiaries: VSTS 265261 - Added year parameter "a" to Row 35 (Exceptional items); Changed formatting for cell B15 to Body Text Header 8pt; Changed all underlinings to formatting Underline Special.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/IPA/CPA): VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region. VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors. MP 6.00 Updated for ICAEW TECH 07/16AAF guidance.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/IPA/CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Unqualified opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (AAT): VSTS 268037 - Removed reference to 'company'.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (AAT): VSTS 268037 - Removed ref to #tErmh2.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): STS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
Client preferences - small group filing: Added flag #sce37 to govern the suppression of the accountants report in the filing copy.
Strategic report: Added flag #sr6 to give the option (within the strategic reports node) to show principal activities there instead of in the directors' report and added that paragraph within the business review section.
P&L notes - Operating profit: Added paragraph #pn999686 for users to disclose the government grants information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20.
Limited (FRS 105) Master Pack 28.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final UK tab.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Added columnflex.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates; Addition of BS statement re the election to not file a P&L.
- Page8notes - (ROI Only) Notes To The Accounts: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates; Added columnflex.
- Mgmtbs - Detailed Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Microdetailedpl - Detailed Income Statement (FRS 105): VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings. VSTS 255369/ITS66426 - Correction to header being applied to Cell D6 and F6, which was causing the DPL tags to be misapplied.
- 102dpl - Detailed Income Statement (FRS 102): VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect header being applied to Cells D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Income Statement (FRS 102): VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Formatted tb - Formatted Trial Balance (FRS 102): VSTS 265004 - Added codes for exceptional fair value gains, share of associate profits and gains on disposal of operations.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022. VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities: VSTS 268037 - For UK, removed reference to 'true and fair' element.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Unqualified opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (AAT): VSTS 268037 - Removed ref to #tErmh2; For UK, removed reference to 'true and fair' element.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022; For UK, removed reference to 'true and fair' element.
- Accounting policies - Reporting period length ROI: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Notes - Reporting period length UK: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Balance Sheet - Small Companies not filing Profit and Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Addition of BS statement re the election to not file a P&L.
The following paragraphs were deleted:
- Accounting policies - Reporting period length
Name range additions
Name Range | Detail | Tag |
DPLGovGrants | DPL Goverment Grants used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLGovernmentGrantIncome |
DPLStaffCosts | DPL Staff Costs used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLStaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
DPLTOTREV | DPL Turnover Income used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLTurnoverRevenue |
DPLOtherOperatInc | DPL Other Operating Income used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLOtherOperatingIncome |
DPLGrossProfit | DPL Gross Profit (Loss) | ie-dpl_DPLGrossProfitLoss |
DPLProfitBeforeTax | DPL Profit before tax used for Tagging only | ie-dpl_DPLProfitLossBeforeTax |
DPLSubContract | DPL Subcontractor costs | ie-dpl_DPLSubcontractorCosts |
Ixbrl tagging corrections
Ltd FRS105 Balance sheet date tag corrected
ROI Ltd FRS105 - added LegalFormEntity to Otherdata
ITS/66426 - ROI Ltd FRS105 - added DPL tags to Otherdata
Statutory database amendments
Balance sheet: Added paragraph #sce20 - Small Companies not filing Profit and Loss Account
Balance sheet notes (UK) and Accounting policies (ROI): Added optional paragraph #cd999366 - Reporting period length.
Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) Master Pack 32.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final tab.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Reset subtitle rows to take account of period end date disclosures.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note10 - Operating Profit: VSTS 266179 - Added Gov grants paragraph to note.
- Note14 - Investment Income: VSTS 265004 - Removed unnecessary paragraph above financial assets summary; Improved keep together for both tabs.
- Note15 - Interest Payable And Similar Charges: VSTS 265004 - Improved keep together for both tab.
- Note30 - Financial Instruments: VSTS 265004 - Amended to hide column rows if there are no figures entered.
- Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Amended suppression formulae for rows 22-25 to hide Admin and Distribution separately if inactive; Amended suppression formulae for rows 45-47 to refer to columns C & E and not columns D & F. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings; Provided option to show all items on face of the p&l.
- Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Introduced option to show all info on face of management P&L instead of on schedules.
- Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Formattedtb - Formatted Trial Balance: VSTS 265004 - Added rows for share of associate profits.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Unqualified opinion: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring in line with newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Added paragraph following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Added paragraph following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
P&L notes - Operating profit: Added paragraph #pn999686 for users to disclose the government grants information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20
Management collection: Added flag #mc1 to permit the inclusion of all costs on the face of the P&L.
Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) Master Pack 17.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 264502 - Added columnflex. VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Added columnflex.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates; Addition of BS statement re the election to not file a P&L.
- Microdetailedpl - Detailed Trading And Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings; deleted unnecessary blank rows.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities: VSTS 268037 - Removed reference to 'true and fair'.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Unqualified opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022; Removed reference to 'true and fair'.
- Notes - Reporting period length UK: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
The following paragraphs were deleted:
- Profit and Loss Account - Basis of Preparation
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
Balance sheet: Added paragraph #sce20 - Small Companies not filing Profit and Loss Account
Balance sheet notes (UK) and Accounting policies (ROI): Added optional paragraph #cd999366 - Reporting period length
IFRS Master Pack 37.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page4cr - Chairperson's Statement: VSTS 265004 - Removed DR from row 11.
- Page4dir - Directors' Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page4sr - Strategic Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final tab.
- Page6is - Income Statement: VSTS 264502 - Reset subtitle rows to take account of period end date disclosures. VSTS 266179 - Amended rows for income and OCI from associates and jvs so that they flex according to which of the two are involved.
- Page6soci - SOCI: VSTS 266179 - Amended rows OCI from associates and jvs so that they flex according to which of the two are involved.
- Page7sofp - SOFP: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 266179 - Added balance sheet statement for submission of FS with small company exemptions.
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note05 - Revenue: VSTS 266179 - Amended keep together for first section.
- Note10 - Operating Profit: VSTS 266179 - Added Gov grants paragraph to note.
- Note26 - Property, Plant And Equipment: No changes made.
- Note28 - Investments: VSTS 266179 - Added PY movements where required.
- Note35 - Trade Receivables Credit Risk: VSTS 266179 - Moved comparative table to sit next to current figures.
- Note51 - Deferred Revenue: VSTS 272498 - Include tab for ROI government grants disclosure.
- Note82 - Directors' Remuneration: VSTS 266179 - Added year/£ headings to highest paid director section.
- Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022. VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (AAT): VSTS 268037 - Removed ref to #tErmh2.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Balance Sheet - Small Companies Regime: VSTS 266179 - Added balance sheet statement for submission of FS with small company exemptions.
- Balance Sheet - NOT USED: Create in error.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
Strategic report: Added flag #sr6 to give the option (within the strategic reports node) to show principal activities there instead of in the directors' report and added that paragraph within the business review section.
P&L notes - Operating profit: Added paragraph #pn999686 for users to disclose the government grants information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20.
Balance sheet notes - Deferred income: Added flag and section for the provision of ROI grant infomation, using new codes #bn9991766 to #bn9991782.
Balance sheet notes - Fixed asset investments: Added flag #bn9991764 enabling users to show comparatives for FAI movements.
Consolidated IFRS Master Pack 12.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page4dir - Directors' Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report. VSTS 265261 - Amended cell B6 in the Interests tab to refer to APGROUP("1").
- Page4sr - Strategic Report: VSTS 265004 - Provided option to show principal activities in the strategic report rather than the directors' report.
- Page5ac2 - Accountant's Report: VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163, ICAEW TR 07/16 and newly released CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final tab.
- Page6is - Income Statement: VSTS 266179 - Amended rows for income and OCI from associates and jvs so that they flex according to which of the two are involved. VSTS 264502 - Reset subtitle rows to take account of period end date disclosures.
- Page6soci - Group SOCI: VSTS 266179 - Amended rows for OCI from associates and jvs so that they flex according to which of the two are involved.
- Page7soce - Group SOCIE: VSTS 265261 - On both sheets, show CY dividends paid to non controlling interest (row 77); Remove "in their capacity as owners" from description on rows 29 and 68.
- Page7sofp - Group SOFP: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 266179 - Added balance sheet statement for submission of FS with small company exemptions.
- Page17soce - Company SOCIE: VSTS 265261 - Extend tagging.
- Page17sofp - Company SOFP: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 266179 - Added balance sheet statement for submission of FS with small company exemptions.
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note05 - Revenue: VSTS 266179 - Added Gov grants note to revenue.
- Note28 - Investments: VSTS 266179 - Added PY movements where required.
- Note28c - Investments - Co: VSTS 266179 - Added PY movements where required.
- Note35 - Trade Receivables Credit Risk: VSTS 266179 - Moved comparative table to sit next to current figures.
- Note54 - Share-Based Payments: VSTS 266179 - Improved keep together on final tab.
- Note54c - Share-Based Payments - Co: VSTS 266179 - Improved keep together on final tab.
- Note55c - Share Capital - Co: VSTS 266179 - Added blank row at end.
- Note82 - Directors' remuneration: VSTS 266179 - Replaced REMQUAL102 with REMQUALSERV throughout.
- Mgmtdpl2 - Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 255369 - Correction to incorrect headers being applied to Cell D6 and F6. VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 265261 - Simplified column headings.
- Audittrail15 - Group Audit Trail - 15 Subsidiaries: VSTS 265261 - Changed all underlinings to formatting Underline Special.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ACCA - ROI): VSTS 268037 - Corrected error in date formula {#cd10'd mmmm yyyy'}.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ACCA - UK): VSTS 268037 - Corrected error in date formula {#cd10'd mmmm yyyy'}.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region; VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (AAT): VSTS 268037 - Removed ref to #tErmh2.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Removed capitalisation of board of directors.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Balance Sheet - Small Companies Regime: VSTS 266179 - Added balance sheet statement for submission of FS with small company exemptions.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
Strategic report: Added flag #sr6 to give the option (within the strategic reports node) to show principal activities there instead of in the directors' report and added that paragraph within the business review section.
Balance sheet notes - Fixed asset investments: Added flag #bn9991764 enabling users to show comparatives for FAI movements.
Charity (FRS 102) Master Pack 23.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page2inf - Legal And Administrative Information: Changes Correct row suppression in A69 and A87.
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Page5aud2 - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 265004 - Amended keep together on final tab.
- Page6sfa - Statement of financial activities: Changes Amended header so that where INCLUDING INCOME ... appears and page converted to pdf, text aligns. Added thin column to separate current and comparative columns in display when all shown on one page.
- Page6sie - Summary Income And Expenditure Account: Changes Corrected comparative column styles and comparative number styles.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note30 - Financial Instruments: VSTS 265004 - Amended to hide column headings if there are no figures entered; updated page setup formula.
- Note51 - Grants and Deferred Income: VSTS 272498 - Include tab for ROI government grants disclosure.
- Note74 - Related Party Transactions: Changed some paragraph styles to Body Text E to format figures correctly if included in text.
- Note111 - Donations And Legacies: VSTS 266179 - Added Gov grants paragraph to note. Changes Corrected styles on comparative column heading to Col Head B and on comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note112 - Income From Charitable Activities: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B. Break now added between current and comparative. Text no longer repeats for current and comparative. Removed blank lines and formatting improvements.
- Note113 - Income From Trading Activities: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles.
- Note114 - Investment Income: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note116 - Other Incoming Resources: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note117 - Costs Of Raising Funds: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note118 - Charitable Activities: Added space between current and comparative.
- Note120 - Grants Payable: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note121 - Support And Governance Costs: Corrected comparative number styles.
- Note122 - Other Expenses: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note123 - Net Gains And Losses On Investments: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number style.
- Note127 - Analysis Of Net Assets Between Funds: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles.
- Note129 - Gains And Losses On Revaluations: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
- Note131 - Other Gains And Losses: Corrected comparative column styles to Col Head B and comparative number styles. Added space between current and comparative.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities: Remove extra bracket.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Updated to bring more closely in line with ACCA - Technical Factsheet 163.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Unqualified opinion: VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022. VSTS 265004 - Flex the reference to Companies Act dependent on the region.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/CPA/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- SOFA notes - Taxation default text: New
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
SOFA notes - Donations - Grants receivable: Added paragraph #pn999686 for users to disclose the government grants information required by FRS 102 or IAS 20
Balance sheet notes - Deferred income: Added flag and section for the provision of ROI grant infomation, using new codes #bn9991766 to #bn9991782.
Unincorporated Master Pack 20.00
Format amendments
The following formats were amended:
- Page5ac2 - Accountants' Report: VSTS 268037 - Reversed the order of the scope and responsibility paragraphs except for CPA.
- Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- Page7sofp - Balance Sheet: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates. VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- Note01 - Accounting Policies: VSTS 265004 - Amended "Investment properties" to "Investment property".
- FRS102dpl - Detailed Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
- FRS102dplsch - Schedules To Detailed Profit And Loss: VSTS 264502 - Amendments to permit the fuller disclosure of period end dates.
Paragraph amendments
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAEW): VSTS 268037 - Removed formatting from website address.
- Accountants Report - Terms of engagement (CAI/IPA/CPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Used CAI report for IPA and kept CPA as it was.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CAI/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (ICAS): VSTS 268037 - Added '.' to end of sentence.
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Used CAI report for IPA and kept CPA as it was.
- Accountants Report - Opinion (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Used CAI report for IPA and kept CPA as it was.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CPA): VSTS 268037 - Used CAI report for IPA and kept CPA as it was.
- Accountants Report - Introduction (CAI/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Responsibilities (CAI/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
- Accountants Report - Opinion (CAI/IPA): VSTS 268037 - Amended reports following the release of CAI Technical Alert TA 04/2022.
The following paragraphs were added:
- Accountants Report - Scope of work (ACCA): VSTS 268037 - Added ACCA version of scope for ROI.
Name range amendments
Statutory database amendments
Software Enhancements
Deletion of Officers
Methods for deleting an Officer
Several changes have been made regarding the deletion of Officers. There are 3 methods of removing an Officer:
- Using an End date. Enter an end date for the Officer on the Officers screen, e.g. a resignation date or a date of death. Then at the next Year End, the Officer is moved from being a current Officer to being a Former Officer. You can see the Former Officers by going into the Officers screen and clicking Former Officer on the Ribbon. The Officer is not deleted during this process and there is an option to Reactivate Former Officer if required.
- Pressing the Delete key. This is used for Officers without Linked Nominals. Just select the Officer and press the Delete key. There were problems with this option which are discussed below.
- Using Delete Former Officer. This is used with Linked Nominals. You cannot press the Delete key to remove the Officer. Instead you need to enter an end date as in the first option. The officer becomes a Former Officer after the Year End. On the Former Officers screen you can then "flag the Officer for Deletion" using the Delete Former Officer option on the Ribbon. At the subsequent Year Ends the system checks whether there are any balances on Linked Nominals for the Officer and if there are no balances in the new year and no balances in the preceding 2 years, the officer is deleted.
When these methods are used
- Using an End date. This is the usual recommended method of removing an Officer. The Officer is removed from the current and future periods, but previous periods are unaffected. There is no need to subsequently remove the Officer from the Former Officers screen. It acts as a history of the Officers of the entity.
- Pressing the Delete key. You would probably only use this method if the director had been added completely incorrectly, but it had problems as described below.
- Using Delete Former Officer. The purpose of this option is to allow old Linked Nominals to be reused safely for new officers. It was introduced for the Medical pack where practices may have a lot of locum doctors. The nominals must be unused for 2 years in case there were any balances due to or from the ex-officer which need to be reported.
Problems with deleting Officers
In this release only deleting Officers using the Delete key has been changed. There were several issues:
- If an Officer was deleted it would affect prior periods even if the accounts had already been submitted. If the Officer had Shareholdings, Dividends or Related Party Transactions in the current period, the user was warned that the Officer could not be deleted and they would need to delete these records first. If the related records existed in a prior period then the deletion would be allowed to proceed but would crash.
Now deleting the Officer only removes the Officer from the current period. If there are any related records in the current period then the user is warned but the related records are automatically deleted. If the Officer existed in prior periods, the user is also warned so that if they want to delete the Officer completely then they know from which other periods the Officer should be deleted. The Association is only removed if there are no more references to the Contact in any period or in any other application for the Client. These changes make deleting an Officer considerably safer.
- Previously an Officer who had a Shareholding could never be deleted, even if the Shareholding was now zero. This is also covered by the above change.
- Former Officers could not be deleted at all for entities with no Linked Nominals. With Linked Nominals, the Delete Former Officer option was available to flag the Officer for Deletion. But without Linked Nominals, Officers could not be deleted at all. They can now be deleted in the same way as current Officers by pressing the Delete key. A message will appear if they can't be deleted or explaining what else will be deleted before the user confirms.
Best Practice
- Create officers with a start date and end them by entering an end date. If an officer is created without a start date, then it is assumed to apply to all earlier periods. If you go into an earlier period and go into the Officers screen then it will be automatically added which is undesireable.
- If an officer is created by mistake in a period, use the Delete key to remove it as in the example above.
- For clients with Linked Nominals, you may wish to use the Delete Former Officer option if you wish to reuse old linked subaccounts.
New Task Permissions to perform an Import or an Export within an accounting period
The permissions will mostly be used to prevent some users from importing transactions or a trial balance from a CSV file.
- The permissions are "#Client #Open Import" and "#Client #Open Export".
- These permissions default to true if no Task Permission is set for them. This is because the Import and Export are existing functions and we don't want to remove functionality with an upgrade, even though the user could turn it back on again.
- If you wish to prevent a user accessing "#Client #Open Import" and the employee is a member of multiple Security Groups, e.g. both "Central User" and "AP User" then the permission needs to be unticked in Task Permissions on both Security Groups, i.e. under:
- Product=Accounts Production and Group=Central User, and in
- Product=Accounts Production and Group=AP User
This last point often catches users out.
Note that if you do not wish to restrict any users from performing an Import or Export then there is no need to change any settings on upgrade.
Quality Improvements
CCH Accounts Production
ADO 252517 - Saving to PDF - Some old paragraphs start with a double space
This error happened when the source of the paragraph includes a || character. This was being replaced with a CrLf (Line Feed). But it also inserted a double space.
A separate problem was fixed at the same time that saving the accounts to PDF freezes if they contain "Latin small ligature fi", which means an f and an i joined into a single character. This is only likely to occur if text has been cut and pasted from Word into a Statutory Database paragraph.
ADO 256281 - If accounts that include a table of signatures are saved to PDF, a signature sometimes appears vertically down the page
The problem is intermittent but was reported on an Unincorporated/Partnership Balance Sheet.
ADO 260397 - Publish to DM - The document description includes year end date and a time of 00:00:00
The document Description is visible in the Document Centre if it is added using the Field Chooser. The time portion of the date, which was 00:00:00, has been removed.
ADO 264494 - Displaying accounts in Review and Tag - An "Error in formula" in the Balance Sheet signatories
This happens when there are more than 40 directors and ex-directors. The system allocates tags to directors but the taxonomy only supports 40 directors. The fault was that the system was allocating tags to ex-directors as well as current directors and ran out of tags. The error only appeared when accounts were being passed from Accounts Production to Review and Tag. They were correct on a normal preview. Now only current directors are allocated a tag.
ADO 266901 - When accounts are printed, any images they contain are lost
A new method is now used for printing accounts with images. It results in a slightly odd side-effect. When the Print dialog appears to select the printer, the Print Preview screen behind it is cleared. As soon as the printing is over, the Print Preview screen is refreshed. This is because the Print Preview "lends" the items in the accounts to the document being printed. The items are "given back" after printing. The printing of accounts without images has not been changed. Also saving accounts to PDF has not been changed.
ADO 275561 - Import/Export - Cannot import client ABC if employee ABC already exists
The change now gives a meaningful error message.
ADO 252314 - An Irish Tax category was misspelled
It said "Provisions including bad bebts". Changing this also involved changing Irish Tax.
CCH Working Papers
ADO 251675 - Resyncing an accounting period sometimes does not complete
If changes are made to a pack in the Working Papers Designer, you often want to apply the same change at accounting period level. This is done using the Resync option. Sometimes this process did not complete correctly and a second Resync was required. Changes were made in version 2022.3 for this issue that fixed many cases, but this is a further set of changes that fixes more cases.
ADO 269100 - Signing off a paper redraws the whole Statutory Database tree
This meant that all the folders apart from the one containing the paper that was signed off were closed and the user might need to reopen them. The Statutory Database was also being completely redrawn for some other events such as Undoing a Sign Off.
ADO 273002 - Memory leak clicking from one document to the next in Working Papers
You can see this in Task Manager if you have a lot of documents in an accounting period and click on one after the next. However Task Manager is a poor way to monitor memory usage and .Net applications do not always collect free memory as soon as it becomes available. A memory profiler is a more effective tool. The fix reduces the amount of memory leaked by about two thirds. This means that you should be able to continue to use Central for much longer before needing to shut it down, although if you work in Working Papers all day, it will eventually slow down and become necessary.
Notable Issues
CCH iXBRL Review & Tag - Known Issues
Date Raised | ITS | Description | Workaround ( If applicable) | Scheduled/Resolved |
12/04/2023 | 66640 | Error on upgrading to 2023.1 Accounts Production Master Packs When upgrading to 2023.1, if there is a warning triangle error on Accounts Production Master Packs and the error is for DLL_V60/BeforeUpgrade/Scripts.sql and the error refers to Deleting invalid tags for Entity id LLP_FRS105, Taxonomy FRS-102-2021-01-01. |
This error relates to a tagging issue on LLP FRS105 Companies House Registered Number accounts. The error can be ignored and will be addressed in the next release of the software. | Scheduled for 2023.1 SP1 |
24/03/2021 | 62820 | Companies House credentials are reset after a CSI upgrade. We have had a small number of reports that the Companies House online filing credentials are being removed/reset after an upgrade using the CSI installer. |
Re-enter the credentials using the reviewandtagsettings.exe located in the Deploy folder. | TBC |
08/01/2021 | 61714 | IFRS accounts produced in Accounts Production errors on Information Page. Certain address and 3rd party information cells on the Info page on the IFRS format have updated to create duplicate tags. This will show as duplicate fact value errors when exported to CCH iXBRL Review & Tag. |
In CCH iXBRL Review & Tag double-click on the duplicate fact value error within the Exceptions tab. This will take you to the tagged area that has the error. Left-click on the tagged area and amend the dimension to the correct value. |
24/12/2020 | 61704 | Companies House submission database showing Client Code as NA The submission database was updated in 2020.3 to include the client code from CCH Central to enable users to report on filings by client code. This code is obtained by matching the company name within the CCH iXBRL Review & Tag file to the database within CCH Central. If, however your client's name in CCH Central does not match the Company name reported within the accounts, the entry will be logged as NA. |
Ensure that you client name in CCH Central and the Company name reported in the accounts match. | TBC |
15/12/2021 | 61694 | Micro Entities set to Full accounts when using reduced filing option. When accounts produced in CCH Accounts Production for FRS105 Micro entities the option to use reduced filing sets the accounts type in CCH iXBRL Review & Tag as (Full Accounts). This is due to there being no legal form of accounts recognised as filleted so the option defaults to Full. |
If you are producing reduced filing accounts for Micro entities to file at Companies House. Leave the entity type as Micro Entities (Full Accounts). Do not change to Small Companies Reduced filing. | TBC |
25/08/2020 | 59571 | FRS102 Sec1 A small Companies - Full Accounts filing throws an error “Document missing mandatory tag Statement on quality and completeness of information provided to auditors" is reported when Customers try to file an FRS102 Sec1A Full accounts to Companies House. The majority of the FRS102 Sec1A Small Companies file Small company reduced filing version, there is nothing to prevent filing of a full accounts to CCH. The entity type is set to full in error and this causes the error. | The error can be ignored, and accounts filed. To prevent the error, change the entity type in document information to Small Companies Reduced filing. If after making this change, another exception on Applicable Legislation appears, you need to add this tag in other data and select Small Companies Regime. | TBC |
01/12/2017 | TBC | FRS 105 Audited – reduced filing Companies House Submissions in CCH iXBRL Review & Tag We do not currently support iXBRL filing for audited 105 accounts. The concept of audited 105 is still in its infancy; please paper file until we receive more guidance on this issue. |
For Information only | |
01/10/2020 | 60609 | Charity FRS 102 -Filing exception on Directors responsibilities note from balance sheet for charitable companies The paragraph on directors’ responsibilities on the balance sheet is not switching the word items #wd18 and #wd3 for charitable companies where a single director is marked as the balance sheet signatory. It is not switching to the singular term 'acknowledge' and 'his/her ' from 'acknowledges' and 'their'. This causes a fatal 9999 error in CCH IXBRL Review & Tag when filing to Companies House. |
This is an issue in CCH Accounts Production but CCH iXBRL Review & Tag users need to be aware. Workaround -Update/edit the tag in review and tag to the correct wording and submit. When editing it is good practice to edit the content, copy to a note pad and then copy back and apply the tag. |
For Information only |
TBC | FRS 102 Limited - Statement of Changes in Equity (Page7SOCE) A minor tagging issue affecting 1st year only financial statements. This results in a a tagging error for FRS102 that includes as SOCE |
This is an issue in CCH Accounts Production but CCH iXBRL Review and Tag users need to be aware. Open the format, click Draft and Show iXBRL Tags on the ribbon bar. Then on Row 47 right-click and use the Suppress Tag option on the numeric cells. Alternatively, you can delete the Prior Year tags in CCH iXBRL Review and Tag. |
For information only | |
11/11/2021 | 66068 | Charities Taxonomy 2021 is not available Following release of 2021.3 although the 2021 Taxonomy has been included for accounts year end dates starting from 1 April 2021, this is not visible to users when selecting from the list of taxonomies |
For any accounts with a year-end starting from 1 April 2021 please contact support to amend the xml or ratacs file in notepad and edit the taxonomy to point to 2021 version. This is possible as the taxonomy is included but just not visible from the pick list. | Fixed in 2021.3 Service Pack |
17/02/2021 | 62757 | Companies House submission status not updating from ‘ERROR on Submission Database Where accounts are submitted to Companies House and return an error, in certain circumstances the status is not updated when corrected or an additional entry is made for the corrected file submission. |
We are investigating the steps that create this issue. If you have had an accepted response but the database is still showing as ERROR. Please check with Companies House online to ensure that they have the accounts on file. |
Fixed in 2021.3 |
11/05/2022 | 66263 | CCH iXBRL Review & Tag Pin updated message keeps appearing every time when loading CCH iXBRL Review and Tag | No workaround | Fixed 2022.2 |
When clicking on 'Pending' Companies House submission status gives a message saying the Companies House credentials are not set | User to launch CCH iXBRL Review and Tag via File > Accounts > Review and Tag and let the programs synchronise and then exit out of CCH Central and launch again. | Fixed 2022.2 | ||
08/12/2021 | 66115 | Charity FRS102 Accounts loaded from CCH Accounts Production still default to 2018 Taxonomy. | This is an issue in CCH Accounts Production but CCH iXBRL Review & Tag users need to be aware. We have made the Charities 2021 taxonomy available in the pick list in document information section in CCH iXBRL Review and Tag in the 2021.3 SP Release but the accounts loaded from CCH Accounts Production will still default to 2018 taxonomy and to get the 2021 taxonomy , users have to go to document information section in CCH iXBRL Review and Tag and select the 2021 taxonomy. |
Fixed 2022.2 |
22/06/2021 | 63930 | Opening Companies House submissions Database for the first time using the desktop shortcut. Receive an Object Reference not set to an instance of an object info message | For the first time usage of Companies House submission database. Please open within CCH Central. | Fixed in 2021.3 Service Pack |
CCH Working Papers
Our current Notable issues list is available from Customer Communities on UserDocs.
CCH Accounts Production
207516 – Error 49 on upgrade
When logging into Central following a release, the error message “error code 49” is shown.
This indicates that the Central database and the Document Store database are no longer in sync.
Please contact CCH Support for assistance.
237416 - Transferring fixed assets from CCH Accounts Production to CCH Corporation Tax for IFRS
The link from CCH Accounts Production to CCH Corporation Tax for Tangible Fixed Assets does not work for IFRS clients.
The data must be entered manually in CCH Corporation Tax.
Unable to travel images
Any images stored in the Image Library will not be available in the travelled database. CCH will investigate providing this ability in a future release.
Unable to load accounting period if server data format is MM/DD/YY
An issue has been identified that prevents CCH Accounts Production from loading the Accounting Period if the date format in your environment is not dd/mm/yyyy. There is no solution to this at present, other than to amend your Date/Time settings in Windows.
206581 - FRS 102 – Countries that are incorporated in region 3
We have an issue with the Directors Report and Investment Property note not printing correctly. The majority of users are unaffected as accounting periods incorporated in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all set to region 1. Republic or Ireland and Eire are set to region 2. Other countries fall into region 3 and there may be a format issue caused by the print condition or row conditions incorrectly testing on either region 1 or region 2.
234971 – Text entered into paragraph is more than one page in length
We have an issue where text entered into a paragraph node in the statutory database does not print correctly if it is more than one A4 page in length. The bottom of the text ‘falls off’ the A4 page and is not continued on the following A4 page. The workaround is to split the text across two or more nodes, or if that is not possible, enter the text directly into the format cell and make the format local.