Recording daily time
You can create a Timesheet from your Home Page or from the Employee Details page. If you have the authority, you can also create an Timesheet on behalf of another employee. You do this by opening their Employee Details page.
You should enter the amount of time spent daily as you complete each task. Additionally, you can choose to display a Timesheet in a Periodic or Calendar entry view so that you can record your time in that view — refer to Changing a Timesheet view.
If there is no more time to record, you advance the Timesheet in the process using the Entry Status Buttons so that the time is reviewed and subsequently authorised.
Record daily time
View the fields displayed on a Timesheet when Daily Entry is selected.
Create or open a Timesheet.
Make sure you select Daily Entry mode in the Timesheet User Settings window. -
Click Add to the right of the details, or double-click the date column.
The Timesheet Daily Time Entry window appears. -
Enter information into the following fields:
- Client - Select the client from the drop down list.
- Assignment - Select the assignment from the drop down list.
- Schedule/Stage - If a selected assignment has a schedule/stage of tasks attached, it will allow you to select one from a drop down list. It does not apply if the field is greyed out.
- Task - Select the task from the drop down list.
- Units (hrs) or use the Automatic Timer to record the time - Type the amount of time spent on the task or click the automatic timer to insert the time.
- Start Time - Enter the start time using a 24 hour clock.
- End Time - Enter the end time using a 24 hour clock.
- Charge Rate - You may see this field and others depending upon the needs of your practice. Select the charge rate from the drop down list.
- Comment - Type supporting information that might be needed about the task you completed into the Comment column. If necessary, you can type additional information about the task in this panel.
Click Apply if you have additional time to enter. Otherwise, click Apply and OK.
If there are:
- more entries to add later, click the Draft
button. The Entry Status window does not change (from Draft)
- no more entries to add, click the Submit
button. The Entry Status window will change to show Submitted.
Close the Timesheet.