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CCH Software User Documentation

Make Paragraphs Mutually Exclusive

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Making Letter Paragraphs Mutually Exclusive

Click on the Mutually Exclusive Paragraphs (M.E.P.) button for a paragraph where the Include check box is not ticked and there is no Business Rule associated with it:


This opens the Mutually Exclusive Paragraphs window:


Enter the ID numbers, from the Letter paragraphs maintenance window, of the mutually exclusive paragraphs, using a comma to separate multiple ID numbers:


and then click on OK.  The M.E.P button is updated for this paragraph and the mutually exclusive paragraph(s) to show that they have been flagged as mutually exclusive:


If you hover your mouse over one of the green ticks on any M.E.P. button then a tooltip is displayed:


This indicates that the selected paragraph (ID 1038) and paragraph IDs 1039 and 1040  are mutually exclusive.


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