Adding a new Contact in CCH Central/CCH OneClick
CCH OneClick
Add an email contact in CCH OneClick
Please read the Knowledge articles below on how to do this:
CCH Central
Using the New Contact Wizard
The Wizard guides you through the steps to create a detailed record of a contact. However, if you prefer, you can use the wizard to enter the contact's basic information and then complete the remaining steps on the Contact Page at another time. The only mandatory step is the first one. After this you can click Finish at any time to save the new contact and any details entered.
If there are any mandatory fields in a step, a small red triangle like this is displayed in the field . You will not be able to go to the next step until the field is completed. The error icon
is displayed if you try to move to the next step without completing a mandatory field. If you make an error in a mandatory field, hover over the icon and it will tell you what the error is.
The Add New Contact Wizard is accessed from the main menu by selecting File > New > Contact.
Note: Additional mandatory fields can be set up by your system administrator to record information required by your practice. They are set up from the Maintenance menu.
Step 1 - Enter Main details for the contact. The information you enter in the Contact Personal Details and Responsibility window appear on the Main tab of the Contact page.
- Select whether the new contact is a Person or an Organisation. Fields that are not applicable are greyed out.
- Enter the name details for the contact. The Last Name is mandatory.
- Title: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Lord, etc.
- First, Middle and Last names: These fields are available only if the contact is a person.
- Suffix: This field is displayed only for persons. Suffixes such as knighthoods and orders (KBE, MBE, etc.) can be entered here.
- Pre Name and Main Name: These fields are displayed for organisations only. Use the Pre-Name field if the organisation's name starts with 'A' or 'The'. Enter the main part of the name in the Main Name field. As searches are based on the main name, when results are displayed you will see suppliers listed in alphabetical order instead of seeing them all listed under 'T'.
- Salutation: Any other name that the person is normally known by or prefers.
- Mailing Name: Name used for mailing purposes, alternative to the full name or salutation. If you do not enter a mailing name, the contact's full name will be used.
- Initials: Enter the contact's initials if required.
- Aliases : Select an alias Type from the drop-down list, then click in the Name field and enter the alias. Press [Enter] to save the alias.
- If the contact is a person, specify the gender and enter the date of birth.
- Select the partner, department, office and company who will service the contact.
- Enter the Salutation, Mailing Name, Initials and Aliases. You can choose to continue with the Wizard to add the client to the database or click Finish and complete the details on the Client page later.
- Enter an Email address. If this matches an existing contact or client a duplicates warning will be presented.
- Optionally enter a reason won. The list of reasons is maintained via Maintenance, Client/Supplier, Reasons and can be used in reporting.
- To continue using the Wizard, click Next.
The Step 2 window opens. This is where you enter Extra details for the contact.
Salutation is any other name that the person is normally known by or prefers. This is different from an alias in that it can be used as the primary way of addressing a contact in a mail merge for example.
Mailing Name is that used for mailing purposes. It may be an alternative to the full name or salutation. If you do not enter a mailing name, it defaults to the contact or client's full name.
Aliases are alternate names that your contacts or clients are known by, for example, a name they want to be known as rather than their actual name. For example, 'Elizabeth Carter' might want to be know as 'Liz Carter', or a company might be called 'General Software Solutions' but be known as 'G.S.S.'
Step 2 - The details you enter in the Contact Extra Details window are identical to those on the Extra tab of the Contact page.
Enter Extra details for the contact
- Enter information into Extra fields and Extra field groups. If there are any mandatory fields, they will be flagged with a red triangle, like this
, or labelled in red font and you will not be able to go to the next step until they are completed. You can choose to continue with the Wizard to add the client to the database or click Finish and complete the details on the Client page later.
- To continue using the Wizard, click Next. The Step 3 window opens. This is where you enter address details for the contact.
Step 3 - The information you enter in this Address window is identical to that on the Addresses tab of the Contact page. You can enter addresses by adding a new address to the database or by linking the contact to an existing address.
Enter addresses for the contact
- Select the Address Type required.
- Click the Ellipsis button
in the Address field.
- In the Address Search and Maintenance window, In the top row, enter the house or building name and number, Street name, Town, State Postcode and Country details.
- Click Link and then click OK on the Success message.
- Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for each Address Type required. The Address Type options available in the drop-down list depend on the types set up in the Maintenance menu. The new addresses are added to the database and can be linked to other contacts, clients, and employees.
- Enter the Phone, Fax and Mobile numbers.
- Right-click the Enter E-Mail Address Here link and enter the email address.
- To continue using the Wizard, click Next.
The Step 4 window opens. This is where you enter any notes about the client.
Link the contact to an existing address
- Select the Address Type required and then click the Ellipsis button
- In the Address Search and Maintenance window, select the search criteria from the drop-down list in the Find a field.
- In the which starts with field, enter the search text click Search. The addresses matching your search criteria appear in the listing.
- Select the address you want to link the contact to and click Link and then click OK in the Success message.
- Repeat Steps 1 to 5 for each Address Type required.
- Enter the Phone, Fax and Mobile numbers.
- Right-click the Enter E-Mail Address Here link and enter the email address. You can choose to continue with the Wizard to add the client to the database or click Finish and complete the details on the Client page later.
- To continue using the Wizard, click Next. The Step 4 window opens. This is where you enter any notes about the client.
Step 4 - The information you enter in the Contact Note Details window will appear in the Notes panel on the Main tab of the Contact page.
Enter a note for the contact
- In the Title field, enter the title for the note. The current date is the default and is displayed in the Date field. You can select a different date
- Type your notes into the field block. You can use the formatting icons to apply rich text styles such as bold and italic to the text in the Notes box, or to change fonts, etc. Click the
icon to launch the spellchecker to check for typing and spelling errors. You can choose to continue with the Wizard to add the client to the database or click Finish and complete the details on the Client page later.
- To continue using the Wizard, click Next. The Step 5 window opens. This is where you enter details of contacts associated with the new contact.
Step 5 - You can set up as many associations as needed using this Step of the Wizard. The details you enter in the Associated Contacts window appear on the Associated tab of the Contact page.
Add an association with existing contacts
- In the Associated Contacts window, click Add to associate the contact with an existing person or organisation in the database.
- In the Associate Existing Contact window, in the Relationships table, select the relationship that the client has with the contact in the database. The relationship is displayed in the Relationship field.
- Click the Ellipsis button
in the Contact field. The Find Contacts window opens.
- In the Search for field, type in the name or part of the name of the contact to search for and then click Search.
- On the results list double-click the contact you want to associate the new contact with. The selected name is displayed in the Contact field.
- Enter details in the Start Date and End Date fields (if there is an end date for the associaton) and then click OK. The new association is displayed in a box in the Associated window.
- Click OK. The new association is displayed in the Associated Contacts window.
- Click OK again
- On the Wizard, click Finish.The contact is created and the Contact page appears.
Note: when you add a new associate, they become a contact in the database. In turn, you can search for them, complete their details in their Contact page as you would with any other contact. You can convert the contact to a client whenever required.
Add an association with a new contact
- Click the Add New button to open the Associate New Contact window.
- From the Relationship table, select a relationship that you want to establish for the client. The selection is displayed in the Relationship field below the table.
- Enter details in the Start Date and End Date fields (if there is an end date for the associaton).
- Enter the details of the person in your practice who will be responsible for this new client in the Partner, Department, Office and Company fields.
- If the association is an organisation, select the Organisation check box. This action turns off unnecessary fields on the right hand side of the Associated New Contact window.
- Enter identifying information about the new client in the fields shown on the right hand side of the Associated New Contact window and then click OK to save the details and close the window. The new association is listed in the Associated Contact window.
- Click the Next button.
- On the Wizard, click Finish. The contact is created and the Contact page is displayed.
Note: when you add a new associate, they become a contact in the database. In turn, you can search for them, complete their details in their Contact page as you would with any other contact. You can convert the contact to a client whenever required.