Trial Balance screen (CCH Accounts Production)
Selecting the Trial Balance screen
From the Task Bar, select Trial Balance from the Transactions folder. By default the trial balance only contains accounts that have a balance to report in either the current or prior year.
The Trial Balance ribbon
To Include Zero Balances
To include accounts where there are transactions but the resulting balance is zero, from the ribbon select Include Zero balances.
To Include Quantities
To display quantities that have been input either when entering journals or from within the View Transactions screen (permission dependent), often used with the farm formats, click on Include Quantities on the ribbon, this displays the quantity columns for the current and comparative year within the trial balance screen.
For detailed guidance on using Quantities click on this link: Entering Quantities
To View Nominal Account Details
To view all transactions associated with a particular nominal code, click the blue underlined nominal code in the Nominal column. A pop-up grid displaying transactions posted to the selected nominal account will open.
By default, the transactions shown on this grid are read-only.
If you are using Open Integration through CCH OneClick, or do not have permission to edit transactions, the Edit transactions message will not be active. The third party software you are integrating with determines the coding structure and is mapped to CCH Accounts Production accordingly.
If you are not using Open Integration and you have permission, you may edit a nominal code directly in the grid. To edit a nominal code, click in the box next to Edit Transactions at the bottom of the pop-up grid. The amounts are read only, but nominal codes may be selected and changed.
Clicking on the hyperlink in the ID column within this box will open the View Transactions screen and the nominal code may be changed or amount edited.
Many users have this permission switched off to ensure advisor journals are raised in respect of changing any amounts subsequent to importing a trial balance.
To Print a Trial Balance
Click on the drop down arrow on the print icon, choose Trial Balance (or right click within the grid and choose print Trial Balance).
When Trial Balance is selected the report will be loaded directly in the preview screen, from here you have various options to view or print directly to a printer or click on the Export button (far left) to export to Excel; PDF; Html or Email. There is a further option to Export to Excel to the middle/right of the screen. These options are standard for all reports.
To Print the Complete Nominal Ledger or Selected Accounts
Before choosing to print the Nominal Ledger first tick the box beside the column header "Nominal" to select all
or tick the box beside the required nominal code(s).
Click on the drop down arrow on the print icon, choose Nominal Ledger (or right click within the grid and choose print Nominal Ledger).
Choose the Report Orientation of the report before previewing/printing.
The Page break after nominal is useful when printing a selection of nominals that you wish to appear on separate reports. It should not be selected when printing the whole nominal ledger.If including Quantities choose Landscape orientation as the Portrait orientation will not include quantities due to insufficient width on an A4 page.
The report(s) will then be displayed on the preview screen with the same options as described above for the trial balance.
Filtering and Saving Trial Balances
For guidance click this link: Trial Balance Screen - Filtering and Saving
Export for Support
Use this function is you need to send the trial balance to CCH Software Support.
If you are a user of our online bookkeeping software, Twinfield, this button will be active for you to be able to view Twinfield transactions. Twinfield