CCH Accounts Production: Academy Accounts Formats Training
This online or onsite training gives a good understanding of how to use the UK Academy formats within CCH Accounts Production.
This training course provides training on how to produce UK Academy Accounts.
This course is structured so as to give delegates a good understanding of how to use the Academy formats within CCH Accounts Production.
Course Duration: This is an interactive course designed to run online or onsite for: New users of CCH Central and CCH Accounts Production Two sessions; existing users of CCH Central and CCH Accounts Production single session. Each session will last up to 3 hours.
Key Objectives
- To check the set-up and configuration includes options for academy accounts.
- To provide delegates with an understanding of setting up an academy client and accounting period
- To provide delegates with an understanding of the nominal ledger structure; importing financial data and posting journals
- To provide delegates with an understanding of how to enter information into the statutory database
- To provide delegates with the process of producing the financial statements and notes.
Course Contents
Attendees should adhere to the Training session Guidelines.
Who is this course designed for?
New and existing users of CCH Central and CCH Accounts Production.
It is aimed at all users of CCH Accounts Production and who are involved with the production of academy accounts.
Useful Resources
- eLearning courses - online courses that provide you with an overview and insight into our software
- Bitesize videos - Compliance and Non-Compliance - showing you how to use features (and also some specific focused areas) of our software
- Webinars - sessions for you to attend and learn from