CCH Practice Management 2024.1: Release Notes
Installing CCH Practice Management 2024.1
This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.
Software Enhancements
Export to Twinfield: Extra error logging
The ability to capture additional error logging has been added within this release. To activate the extra logging, navigate to the CCH.Central.Service.exe.config file. The CCH.Central.Serice.exe.config file is located under the CCH Central Hub Service. Open the CCH.Central.Service.exe.config file, against the following line:
<add key="TwinfieldLogToFile" value="0"/> change the value = 0 to value = 1.
Restart the CCH Central Service after making this change.
To view the trace files, navigate to the CCH Central Hub Service > TwinfieldSerivce > Logs.
Note: Activation of the extra logging should only be implemented when requested by a Customer Care and Support team member.
Quality Improvements
ITS 66653 - Export to Twinfield: ExportDataToTwinfield method cannot accept a value greater than 32767 as the data type is incorrect
Previously, when the export history table reached 32,767 an error was being shown and stopped the export from CCH Practice Management to Twinfield.
ITS 67936 - Bills tab loading performance
Previously, it was reported by CCH Document Management users, that it was slow to load the relevant client bills tab for clients who had a large volume of documents within the Client Document Centre.
ITS 67980 - Debtors/Aged Debtors: incorrectly shows provisions after the Report Date
Previously, when running the Aged Debtors report, if the provision entered date was after the report date, the provision was still being shown on the report.