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The main functions carried out by the Clear Down are:

  • Old entries are deleted. However, the Clear Down never deletes entries in the current financial year. The user can specify the type of the entries and the period for which to delete them.
  • ‘Redundant' investments are deleted. This means that investments that have been sold and had no further transactions can be deleted. This function is optional.

Options on the Clear down tab


Delete redundant investment entries

If ticked, investment accounts with no entries are deleted. See also Entries to delete Inv capital entries on redundant a/cs below.

Delete entries up to and including

This is the date up to which you want to delete entries. No entries are deleted beyond this date. This date must be before the start of the current financial year so that only prior year entries can be deleted. If running a year-end then this date defaults to the last date of the old financial year, otherwise it defaults to last year’s end date. The entries to delete are specified by the following three checkboxes. If none of them are ticked then no entries are deleted.

Nominal entries

Select to delete nominal entries, i.e. bank receipts and payments, journals, up to the date specified.

Investment income entries

Select to delete investment income entries up to the date specified.


Inv capital entries on redundant a/cs

This checkbox is only available if Delete redundant investment accounts is ticked.

If ticked it deletes the investment capital entries on a holding but only if:

- the holding was zero at the date specified for the Clear Down,

- there have been no further investment entries of any sort since then.

So, loosely speaking, the capital entries are only deleted if the holding was ‘dead’ on the date specified and is still dead now. Additionally, because Delete Redundant Investment Accounts must be ticked, the dead holding is also automatically deleted, unless there still are old income entries and the user has not chosen to delete them.

Last deleted to:

The ‘Last Deleted To’ date is located next to these three checkboxes. This allows you to see how far back their transactions history goes.

Note that these options allow you to keep different types of transactions for different periods of time. For instance, you could delete all old nominal entries at the Year-end but keep a history of investment income transactions for three years. To do this, you would select to delete nominal entries at the same time as the Year-end. Immediately after the Year-end you would run a Clear Down to delete only investment income entries more than three years old.

When you click OK, the Clear Down – Final check window appears, giving you the opportunity to cancel the process.

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If you click Yes, Trust Accounts performs a cleardown as requested.



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