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CCH Software User Documentation

How to set up a new client in CCH Central

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When the CCH Accounts Production formatter is going to be used to prepare accounts for a client in CCH Trust Accounts, the client should be set up in CCH Central first.

The essential steps are:

Open and log in to CCH Central.

Choose File > New > Client.  This opens the Add New Client Wizard.


  1.  Select the Contact Type as: Trust
  2. You must enter a Code, unless your database has been configured to automatically generate a code.
  3. Enter the Main Name of the Trust.
  4. You may Finish at this point, unless you have compulsory Extra Fields to be completed.

Full details of using the New Client Wizard can be found here.

Addresses and associations (links to other contacts such as beneficiaries, settlor, trustees and accountants) can be either set up in the client creation wizard, or afterwards from the client record in CCH Central. 


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