Entering a Supplier's adjustment or credit note
Open the Purchase Invoice for the Supplier
On the main menu, click Bookkeeping > Purchase Invoices.
In the Purchase Invoice window, select the Company from the drop-down list.
Click the Ellipsis button
in the Supplier Code.
The Find Suppliers window appears. -
In the Find Supplier window, in the Search for field, type in the name (or part of the name) of the supplier you want to search for.
Note: to display all the suppliers, either leave the Search for field blank and then click Search, OR type "%" in the Search for field and then click Search.
- Select the Hide form when only one item found check box if required. If you select the Hide form when only one item found check box, and there is only one record that matches your search criteria, the application directly displays the relevant page for that record instead of the search results page, where you would have to click the listed record to open it.
- Select the Search any part of name/code check box if required. If you select the Search any part of name/code check box then the search results that are returned will contain the search criteria you have entered in any part of the record name. When this check box is unchecked, only records with the search criteria at the beginning of the name will be returned. For example:
- you enter 'mit' in the Search for field when searching for an employee. The Search any part of name/code check box is clear. The results will only contain employees that have 'mit' at the beginning of their first or last name, such as 'Mitchell' or 'Mitch'.
- you enter 'mit' in the Search for field when searching for an employee. The Search any part of name/code check box is selected. The results will shown any employee whose name contains 'mit' somewhere within it, such as 'Smith', 'Mitchell' or 'Amit'.
- Select the Include closed suppliers check box if the supplier you want to access is a closed supplier.
- Click Search or press the [Enter] key. The results that match your search criteria are listed in the window.
- Select the supplier you want and then click 'OK'. The Find Supplier window closes and the name of the selected supplier appears in the Supplier Name field on the Purchase Invoice.
Enter, submit, authorise and post the Purchase Invoice
- Enter the Date, credit note number in the invoice Number field and a Description.
- Enter the negative Amount.
- In the table, enter the Net amount.
- If required, change the Tax Rate. The default rate is displayed automatically.
- Click the Nominal cell and change the account if required.
- Click the Submit button
. A message confirms that the invoice was submitted successfully. Click 'OK' to close the message window.
- Click the Authorise button
- A message confirms that the invoice was authorised successfully. Click 'OK' to close the message window.
- Click the Post button. A message confirms that the invoice was posted successfully. Click 'OK' to close the message window.
Enter the adjustment or credit note
Click the Ledger button to open the Ledger window.
The Ledger window appears listing all the outstanding invoices for the selected supplier. -
Select the Company from the drop down list.
Click the credit note entry and select it.
Hold down the [Ctrl] key and click the invoice the credit note must be applied to. The credit note entry and the invoice should appear selected now.
Click the 'Allocate' button in the top right of the window. The credit note is allocated to the selected invoice and both items disappear from the Ledger window.
To view the status of the credit note, select the Show Zero check box. The window lists all the allocated transactions. The invoice and credit note display as paid in the Gross Unpaid column.
Click the 'Close 'button to close the Ledger window.