Add a New Disclosure Note
To Add a New Disclosure Note
Click on the New icon in the Disclosure Notes section of the Task Bar:
A New Disclosure Note window is displayed:
See Add a New Paragraph for common feature with Letter Paragraphs. In addition:
Form – the tax return page on which the note is to be displayed
Order – Replaces Section and Sub Section in Letter Paragraphs. Determines the priority in which notes are order on the tax return page.
- Text Editor – Please note that due to the restrictions on formatting disclosure notes enforced by HMRC & Online filing, only the Add data option is available. A spellchecker is provided in the text box.
The following Letter Paragraphs controls may also be used with Disclosure Notes:
Add Data items To Text Within Paragraphs
As well as being able to include free format text within the Letter paragraphs it is possible to select a Data item within the text that will be evaluated when the letter is produced and replaced by the value of that Data item for that client.
The Find Data control enables you to select data to embed within the text of the paragraph or to select data to include within the Business Rule for a given paragraph.
Add a business rule to a paragraph
It is possible to add a business rule to a paragraph. This can be done while the paragraph is being set up on the New paragraph window or after it has been set up on the Letter paragraphs window. This rule will be used to determine whether the paragraph should be included in the client's cover letter.