Stage 2 of 6 - Choose the template
1. Mail Merge wizard Stage 2 is where you select the template which can be:
A - Format - choose Word format if you want to send the emails using Word templates, the Word templates will be listed on the screen.
B - Templates - select if you want the Word templates from CCH Central or from CCH Document Management. On this section you can also add a new Word template or preview and edit an existing word template. If you preview or edit a Word template, the Microsoft Office Word application opens automatically. Make sure you save any new template in the correct folder.
C - Data Source - is used to run queries for specific templates such as GDPR and requesting information template.
D - Mail - you can choose to send the emails via your Outlook OR if to send via a SMP configuration. If you choose to send via SMP then you need to enter the Email subject here.
E - Template name - you can search for the template name in this box.
F - Columns Body and Attached - check the respective boxes to utilise the word template as a body of the emails or as an Attachment.
When Word templates are used for the Body of the email and as an Attachement of the email, the merge fields in both documents will contain the data that is within the contacts and clients selected.
When you choose the HTML format the other sections will be greyed out. The HTML template list comes from the Email templates.
2. Select your template (either the Word or HTML) and click Next.
It is not possible to add an attachment for an HTML template on this screen. Any attachment to a HTML template should be added to the HTML template itself.