Tax Links screen
The Tax Links screen appears when you open a personal, partnership or trust client. It is used to specify what data is brought into CCH Personal Tax from CCH Accounts Production and the Fixed Asset Register.
When Update automatically - CCH Accounts Production is checked Personal Tax is automatically updated from CCH Accounts Production when a Tax Return is opened without needing to click Update from Accounts.
When CCH Accounts Production link is checked then Fixed Asset Register data is imported into CCH Personal Tax along with CCH Accounts Production data. This setting can be different for each tax year.
If it is not checked, then no data is imported from the Fixed Asset Register into Personal Tax ant any data previously imported can be freely edited.
Allow draft accounts - When data is exported from CCH Accounts Production, you must specify whether the data is Draft or Final. If you select Draft then Allow draft accounts must be ticked to allow it to be imported into CCH Personal Tax.
Information! Although, Update automatically causes the data to be read automatically into CCH Personal Tax, it still needs to be exported from Accounts Production first.
The other settings on the Tax Links screen are described in the CCH Personal Tax Help under Linking Products.