Check Out to OneDrive
OneDrive Integration
To work collaboratively on documents with your colleagues, CCH Document Management can be integrated with your organisations OneDrive to manage Checked Out documents to a shared location. See CCH Document Management release notes to review the steps for integration in your organisation.
Once OneDrive integration is enabled and setup for an employee to utilise, users can accesses the option via, Contact’s, Client’s, Employee’s Document Centre tab or the main Documents window, or via the client, contact, employee find windows. A ribbon bar option called Check Out to OneDrive is available within the Open & Check Out group:
Right mouse option
When the user selects either single or multiple documents within the Contact’s, Client’s, Employee’s Document Centre tab or the main Documents window and right mouse clicks an option is available Check Out to OneDrive.
Field chooser
To help identify documents which have been checked out to OneDrive rather than the standard checked out path a field can be added via the field chooser and is available for Contact’s, Client’s, Employee’s Document Centre tabs the main Documents window and the homepage view.
Right-mouse click on the document centre or home page control and choose Field Chooser, then drag and drop or double click on to add the checked out to OneDrive field heading.