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CCH Software User Documentation

The Document Viewer

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If you select one of the tree nodes in the filing panel the Document Viewer will allow you to view the documents that are in the Document Centre for that library/contact.

The Viewer

The Document Centre for a client/contact can be displayed by clicking on the client/contact, a specific client assignment, or a job. The contents of the selected Document Centre will be displayed in the main Outlook panel (filtered by assignment, or assignment and job, if selected).

Any document can be previewed (by clicking on it) or opened as a read only document (double click). To edit a document you should access it via the CCH Document plugin, or Central, and check it out in the normal way.


If you want to search for a specific document within the results, click in the Search box at the top of the document list (or use [Ctrl]+[E]) and enter your search criteria.

NOTE: Using the Outlook delete option will only delete a document from the current view, it will not actually delete the document.


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