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CCH Software User Documentation

Backup Types

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There are various types of backup maintenance routines that can be run depending on the size of your database.

Backup Types

For Small to Medium Databases

The Backup type most likely to be used within a scheduled backup routine with a small to medium database would be the complete backup type.  With this option the backup performs a full database backup within each selected interval.

We recommend always using this option Complete Backup type when reforming backups of CCH databases.

For Large Databases

The Backup type most likely to be used would be a mixture of  two, or even, all three types within separate maintenance schedules. A complete backup would be scheduled say for example once a week. Then for every other day a differential backup is taken.  Where sites have test databases, the copy option is used every couple of days to enable them to update their test database (while preserving the LSN point).

The differential backup type uses the Log Sequence Number (LSN) to track changes within the database and only backs up these changes since the last full backup.

Combination backups

Where sites are using the complete and differential combination backups and are required to send their database into CCH, a backup outside of your normal routine maintenance is recommended by using the Backup a Database Now and Copy type option, so as not to interrupt the Log Sequence Numbering.


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