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CCH Software User Documentation

Set up work using a custom Assignment

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How to set up work using a custom Assignment.

There will be occasions when you will want to create a custom assignment because existing assignment templates do not describe the work that is required for a client.

An assignment template represents professional services that are used repeatedly by the practice for different clients.

An assignment represents professional services carried out by the practice for clients, such as:

  • Compliance
  • Tax
  • Accounting
  • Financial Planning

When you create a custom assignment it will only be available for the client you are setting it up for. To make it available for use with other clients, set it up as an assignment template.

  1. Find the Client. The Client tab appears.

  1. Click the Assignments tab.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  2. Click on the line above the assignments which says 'Click here to add new...' The wizard Create Assignment for Client appears

  3. Add Assignment wizard Step 1 of 1:

  • Select the radio Create New Assignment.
  • In the Name field - add an identifying name for the new assignment
  • In the Code - add a code for the new assignment
  • Select an appropriate Assignment Type from the list. It identifies the type of work to be provided to the client (for example, Accounts or Tax) and whether the work will be chargeable.

Assignment wizard - 1 add a new customised assignment  at client level.PNG 

5. To Edit the new assignment, click on its hyperlink, the new assignment tab appears and you can edit it.

Assignment wizard - editing a new customised assignment at client level.PNG


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