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CCH Software User Documentation

Assignments tab

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The Assignment tab gives you access to opening, adding, creating and maintaining assignments for a client.

What you can do on the Assignments tab

The page displays information in two tables. The table in the top half of the page lists assignments highlighted in light blue followed by the Jobs and Schedules associated with that particular assignment.

It shows a client's open assignments as well as Unposted WIP, Posted WIP, and Total WIP. If you want to view details of closed assignments, select the Show Closed Assignments check box to add them to the list.

To view the details of a specific assignment, double–click the assignment row.

Right Click Pop-up Menu

Right–click anywhere in either table to access the pop up menu from where you can use the Field Chooser to add or remove columns from the list.

Preview Panel

The table in the lower half of the window provides you with a preview of the assignment, job or schedule selected in the table above. The preview includes milestone details.  To preview the details of all the schedules or jobs associated with an assignment, select the assignment in the first table.

Task Bar Options

When you click the Assignments tab, Assignment, Prebilling reports and Billing options are added to the foot of the Task Bar. The Billing option contains the Post WIP function when the Timesheet Authorisation Mode is set to Project Based Authorisation.

Post WIP function is used to move selected timesheet entries from the ‘Unposted WIP’ column into the ‘Posted WIP’ column — effectively authorising and posting individual timesheet lines without the necessity for an entire timesheet to be posted through the ‘standard’ processes.

This makes timelines available for billing — although only time entries that the user has Post WIP Responsibility rights over will be moved across into Posted WIP. This function is also available from the Billing Wizard.

You use the functions on  the Task Bar to:

Assignment options

What they do....


Opens the Add Assignment window to add a custom assignment.


Open the Create Assignment from Template Wizard.


Change all assignments with a zero WIP to 'Closed'.


Prebilling reports options

What they do....


Generate the Prebilling Report by Code Type in the Print Preview window. The Report displays the unbilled WIP entries against task codes for all the client's assignments. Unposted entries are denoted by an asterisk.


Generate the Prebilling Report by Employee in the Print Preview window. The Report displays the unbilled WIP entries for each assignment in month and employee order.


Generate the Prebilling Report by Month in the Print Preview window. The Report displays the unbilled WIP entries for each assignment in month and employee order.


Generate the Prebilling Report by Month in the Print Preview window. The Report displays the unbilled WIP entries for each assignment in month and employee order.

The report is only accessible through the parent for the client. You need to go to the Group tab on the Client Page that you need to see the information for, and click the parent client to open the parent client information. The PreBilling task bar tool will become available as son as you click the Assignments tab.

When you click the Prebilling Report by Group you will be present with the information for the child client as described above.


Billing option

What it does....


Post Unposted WIP lines selected in the Assignments table to make it billable. This function can only be carried out by an employee with Post WIP Responsibility.


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