Control Environment
Before considering area risk you need to assess the control environment. Select Control environment from the Planning option dialog and the Audit area risk dialog will appear overlaid by the Control environment dialog.
For IPCAS master pack:
For IFULL master pack:
Important! There is no 'Control environment' question for Mercia master packs after CCH Audit Automation release of November 2022.
It means that IMER18 master pack (released for this date) does not have the Control Environment question.
But previous IMER master packs (17 and before) will still have the Control Environment question.
This operates in exactly the same way as proprietorial controls operates. It can either be a full list of questions, or a single question that the user answers to indicate if the environment is strong, neutral or weak. Audit Automation uses a look up table to convert the points to the appropriate level. The questions are answered in the same way as the Inherent risk questions, using the [Yes] or [No] buttons or drilling down to the Answers dialog.