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CCH Software User Documentation

How to Join the Southern User Group (SUG)




The Wolters Kluwer Southern Users Group meetings are held twice a year once in the Spring and again in the Autumn.

  • The cost for is £300 per practice and as many personnel can join the user group meetings once payment has been received.
  • Click here to find out when the next Southern User Group meeting is. 

The group holds two meetings per year in central London; one in the spring and another in the autumn. The delegate fee is around £40 to cover the cost of the venue, lunch and refreshments. The delegate fee is payable at the time of booking for the event.

Apply to join 

If you are interested in joining the Southern User Group, then please email the Secretary: who will be happy to send you a membership form for completion and return.

Contact details

If you'd like to contact one of our officers directly to raise an agenda for the next meeting or have another question for the Chair Person, Treasurer and/or Secretary, visit Officers.

Trust Accounts subgroup

The Trust Accounts subgroup also meets twice a year in Central London, but at a separate location and on separate dates. Delegates can attend online or in person. If you are interested in joining the group or have any other enquiries, please email the Secretary: There is no fee for the subgroup.

Information! Southern User Group members can apply to join our 'User Group - Southern' group on our Support Portal where they will see News/Posts regarding the Southern User Group and where they can interact with other Southern User Group members.


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