CCH Trust Accounts: Configuration and Conversion Consultancy
This consultancy ison the preparation of CCH Accounts Production/CCH Central for the migration of the CCH Trust Accounts clients data and formats.
The course covers the data migration process.
Once you have attended this course you will have all of the skills necessary to carry out the data migrations.
Course Duration: This consultancy consists of two onsite or online sessions. Each session will last up to 3 hours.
Key Objectives
- To configure your CCH Central database for the data conversion process
- To set up the link between CCH Central and CCH Trust Accounts in preparation for the data conversion
- To set the link at the client level
- To identify any additional set-up required in CCH Central and CCH Trust Accounts
- To convert identified existing clients from Viztopia Accounts Production to CCH Accounts Production
- To understand the interactions between CCH Central, CCH Trust Accounts and CCH Accounts Production for your trust accounts preparation
Course Contents
Session one - System Management | Session two - Data migration |
Introductions Identifying client types and clients to be converted CCH Central - review/additional settings
CCH Trust Accounts - review/additional of settings
Data housekeeping prior to conversion Next steps for session two |
Questions arising from session one Conversion
Help and Support Next steps for CCH Accounts Production formatter training |
Attendees should adhere to the Consultancy session Guidelines.
All users should have a good understanding of trust accounting.
IMPORTANT: It is vital that Viztopia Accounts Production (VAP), CCH Trust Accounts and CCH Central should be on the latest versions.
Who is this course designed for?
CCH Trust Accounts users who would like to start preparation for the migration of the client data from CCH Viztopia to CCH Accounts Production in CCH Central.
Useful Resources
- eLearning courses - online courses that provide you with an overview and insight into our software
- Bitesize videos - Compliance and Non-Compliance - showing you how to use features (and also some specific focused areas) of our software
- Webinars - sessions for you to attend and learn from