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CCH Software User Documentation

CCH Accounts Production: Data Entry Training




This training is focused upon the preparation of the financial statements in CCH Accounts Production.  The aim is to bring in the accounts data for the last year, reconcile and be in a position to roll forward to the year to be prepared.

Course Duration: This training is two sessions onsite or online.  Each session will last up to 3 hours.

Key Objectives

  • Ensure delegates can carry out migration of accounting data.
  • Ensure delegates can carry out data entry and reporting.

Course Contents                                                                                          

Session One            Session Two
  • Introductions
  • Select client
  • Create the accounting period for a client for the first time
  • Select client using the Accounts Production Job Summary homepage
  • The CCH Accounts Production Home screen and navigation
  • The Chart of Accounts structure for the entity created
  • Review 3rd-party trial balance(s) for import into CCH Accounts Production (pre-requisite: data to have been exported prior to the course)
  • Import the trial balance(s) for the first time - mapping and structure
  • Exporting trial balances or transactions
  • For alternative data entry methods: receipts, payments, journals, importing transactions - refer to eLearning
  • Statutory database: navigation, review of General information and Client preferences
  • Officers: check linked/created, select signatories, enter dates
  • Financial statements: Initial review of the accounts
    • addresses e.g. registered office or business
    • associations, e.g. "has auditor of"
    • ​​​​imported figures
    • drill down options
    • detailed profit and loss account (income statement) 
  • Reconciliation of imported figures
    • mapping corrections (editing an existing mapping)
    • rounding settings in chart of accounts
    • reclassifications using advisor journals 
  • Exception report: e.g. for entering dates, depreciation rates, employee numbers
  • Summary of session one
  • Q&A from previous session
  • Chart of accounts - changing descriptions
  • Advisor journals and viewing advisor journals /reports
  • Journals for restatement of comparative (prior) year adjustments
  • Further review of financial statements - pages and notes
    • navigation from within a format e.g. to look up a statutory database item, to look up a nominal range
  • Statutory database: further disclosures, analysis, custom paragraphs
  • View transactions:  filter, reports
  • Trial balance - drill down, reports
  • Final review, removing draft message and entering signing dates
  • Tagging the Detailed Profit and Loss Account (in iXBRL)
  • Tax Link (for CT / PT)
  • Running the year-end and set-up for the next period:
    • Housekeeping for the current year - have reports been run?
    • Year-end and finalise options
    • In the new year - statutory database review of custom paragraphs, reverting local financial statement pages/notes, if any 
  • Overview of link nominal function and profit share within an Unincorporated Partnership entity.  For FRS 105 - refer to eLearning
  • CCH Accounts Production links to other CCH modules e.g. Central, iXBRL, Tax, Document Management, OneClick - Note, with the exception of iXBRL, these do not form part of the AP data entry course - See online resources
  • Support portal for online resources
  • Summary of session two


Attendees should adhere to the Training session Guidelines.

An accounts production implementation consultancy is recommended before this session and the following checks should have been carried out by your System Administrator / Accounts Production Champion:

  • Licencing for entities to be used within CCH Accounts Production.
  • Security and permissions for entities and users of CCH Accounts Production including Central permissions for homepages.
  • Settings for, including but not limited to, relationship address mapping; address types; entities, master packs, senior statutory auditor(s).
  • Mapping of 3rd party software to relevant entities.

Who is this course designed for?

Those new to CCH Accounts Production who will be preparing financial statements within CCH Accounts Production.

Useful Resources

  • eLearning courses - online courses that provide you with an overview and insight into our software
  • Bitesize videos - Compliance and Non-Compliance - showing you how to use features (and also some specific focused areas) of our software 
  • Webinars - sessions for you to attend and learn from



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