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CCH Software User Documentation

Release Schedule 2023



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Latest Software Releases - 2023

Version Software

2023.3 Service Pack Release - 7 November

  • CCH Audit Automation: Quality updates and master pack release
  • CCH Corporation Tax: CT600 Associated Companies changes. ITS 67811 Unable to untick Box 329 when marginal relief is not due
  • Central Suite Installer (CSI): - Quality improvements

2023.3 Release -
22 September
  • CCH Accounts Production: Improvements to the Charity masterpack
  • CCH Central: Support AML and CCH iFirm integration
  • CCH Corporation Tax: Improvements to travelling, Changes to the s455 charge, R&D Changes and Capital Allowance changes
  • Central Suite Installer (CSI): Block the installation for Windows Server 2012 and enhancements to the CSI
  • CGT & Dividend Scheduling: Ability to import multiple transactions of any type per stock per portfolio per day
  • CCH Document Management:  Minor fixes including ability to copy a template
  • CCH iXBRL Review & Tag: Inclusion of Irish 2023 and Charity taxonomies, Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
  • CCH Personal Tax: Improvements to National Savings (Green Savings Bonds), Obfuscation of HMRC credentials and other changes around DTA credentials, and Improvements to Pension Savings Tax Charge
  • CCH Practice Management: Disbursement import fix. Bug when closing a client resetting invoice numbering.
    Central Service – Twinfield export, Disbursements import
  • CCH Working Papers: Stabilising
  • Messages and Documents: Tech Debt 
  • Other products in this release: eSign and Compatibility upgrades for DTA. 

2023.2 Service Pack Release -
08 August

  • CCH Corporation Tax: An issue where you have an SME R&D claim and an RDEC R&D claim – both resulting in repayment claims and there is also a s455 liability that needs to be offset.  CCH Corporation Tax offsets S455 tax against both repayments resulting in a double deduction of the s455 charge’. CT600L and Box L205 (ITS 67750) fix

2023.2 HotFix Release -
28 July

  • CCH Audit Automation: The issue with the document checkout location identified within the 2023.2 release has been resolved.

2023.2 Release -
18 July
  • CCH Audit Automation: Restoring clients/Master pack merge routine/Stability and Quality Improvements/Master pack conversion/Zero KB PDF
  • CCH Accounts Production: Making tags for amended accounts/Academy Directive/Charities Maintenance
  • CCH Central: ITS fixes/Encrypting lookup.xml
  • CCH Corporation Tax: Add new Taxonomies for 2023
  • Central Suite Installer (CSI): WS2012 EOL support/bug fixes
  • CGT & Dividend Scheduling: Updating the CGT&DS pipeline
  • CCH Document Management:  Email filing fix
  • CCH iXBRL Review & Tag: Changes to SECR
  • CCH Personal Tax: Refresh the calculation of Pension Savings Tax Charge/National Savings and Investments update/bug fixes
  • CCH Working Papers: Stabilising
  • Messages and Documents: Tech Debt 
  • Other products in this release: Data Collection, MTDfV and Open Integration
2023.1 Service Pack Release - 8 Jun
  • CCH Audit Automation: Update to create Master Pack routine and enable Master Pack merge option. Minor quality improvements.
    Note: Due to an issue identified during testing, the planned changes will now be incorporated into the 2023.2 release.
  • CCH Accounts Production: To fix an issue that FRS 102 Group Accounts are untagged and a Database Upgrade error (ITS/66640)
  • CCH Corporation Tax: Introduction to the new Computation Taxonomy. Also Group Relief set off charge (ITS 66563) and the Export of Goods or Services flag is no longer mandatory ( ITS 66608). Sales proceeds were doubled in deferred Tax calculation
  • CCH iXBRL Review & Tag: To add a computation for CCH Corporation Tax
  • CCH Personal Tax: Updated FTSE 350 file, updated Exchange Rates and Double Tax Treaty rates. Also, Enabling the Save and Next button on Tax return Disclosure notes (ITS 53480)
  • Messages and Documents: Enhancement: A 'read status' update on a Message has been added. The ITS 59550 issue of 'CCH Central closes/crashes when sending a message where it's attachment/s from the Document Centre is/are open' has been fixed.
  • Other products in this release: Data Collection, MTDfV and Open Integration

2023.1 Release -
13 Apr
  • CCH Audit Automation: Quality improvements
  • CCH Accounts Production: Quality improvements especially in deleting Officers
  • CCH Central: Quality improvements
  • CCH Corporation Tax: An update including but not restricted to:
    - Changes to Capital Allowances (AIA and SBA)
    - Update to forms CT600 and CT600F
    - New RIM artefacts
    - Changes to R&D rates
  • Central Suite Installer (CSI): 
    • Update to the Terms and Conditions for the OCR service message
    • Change to the CSI's defaults so that the CCH Scan Profiler Service is installed with 'Log on as value is Local System' and 'Startup Type is Automatic ( Delayed Start)'
    • The CSI is now able to handle the install when the Main Service/s fail
    • CLR strict security will be turned off on Workstation installations
  • CCH Document Management:  Quality improvements
  • CCH Personal Tax: The annual compliance release including but not restricted to:
    • Updated Forms: SA100, SA800, SA900 and SR185
    • Updated Computations
    • Updated Expat Functionality
    • End of fixed 'exclusions'
    • Help sheets and Worksheets
    • Updates for Capital Allowances
    • Updated Information Request Letter Templates
  • CCH Practice Management: Quality improvements
  • CCH Working Papers: Quality improvements especially in Re-Synching
  • Messages and Documents: To support the Multiple document feature for eSign
    • A number of usability issues have been addressed
    • Pending reminders have been updated to include eSign
  • Other products in this release: CGT, CSI,Data Collection (.net 6), DTA (.net 6), MTDfV, OneClick (.net 6), iXBRL Review & Tag and Working Papers

2022.3 Release -
24 Feb
  • CCH Audit Automation Hotfix

Latest CCH OneClick Releases - 2023 

Version Software
22 Dec
  • Digital Tax Account (DTA) – To fix a security issue when launching DTA from CCH Personal Tax 
Release 5.8.2
11 Dec
  • Open Integration – Implement Twinfield Integration by importing transaction period wise 
  • OneClick – Minor tweak to prevent an exception and resultant excessive production Exception logs
  • Messages and Documents – Sonarqube remediations
  • MTDfV – Sonarqube remediations
27 Nov
  • Messages and Documents - Fixed the IsESignPendingEmailSent notification
Release 5.8.0
1 Nov 
  • Billing and Usage - .net 6upgrade
  • Messages and Documents - Bug Fixes
Release 5.7.9
17 Oct
  • Data Collection/CCH OneClick/Central Cloud API
    - SonarQube technical debt
    - .net 6 upgrade to the Organisation Service
    - Practice Authorisation function

Release 5.7.8-
22 Sep

  • eSign/Messages and Documents
    - Enhanced the ability to include Partners/Employees to eSign documents and addressed ITS/67691 (M&D)
    - Unable to send an eSign Document prepared by another employee
  • Open Integration - .net 6 upgrade to keep code up to date
  • CCH OneClick - .net 6 upgrade to keep code up to date

Release 5.7.7-
01 Sep

  • CCH OneClick and SyncWorker
  • .net 6 upgrade

Release 5.7.6 

  • Data Collection (DC) – AppInsights – page view logging for product usage
  • Digital Tax Account (DTA) – AppInsights – page view logging for product usage
  • Making Tax digital for VAT (MTDfV) – Re-implement the upgrade to .net 6 and ensure the VRN can be successfully added

Release 5.7.5 -
2023.2 Hotfix

  • CCH Audit Automation

Release 5.7.4 -
28 Jul

  • .net 6 upgrade for CentralCloudAPI
  • .net 6 upgrade for ErrorPages
  • .net 6 upgrade for Open Banking Azure Function
  • DDR notifications
  • DDR Attachments
  • DDR Audit Trail
  • MTDfV Core.UI Tech Debt

Release 5.7.3 - 09 Jun

  • .net 6 upgrade for CentralCloudAPI
  • .net 6 upgrade for ErrorPages
  • .net 6 upgrade for Open Banking Azure Function
  • DDR notifications

Release 5.7.2 - 30 May

  • We have fixed 66647 in a certain scenario in the incorrect Client name and Organisation Name are shown for this release.

Release 5.7.1 - 28 Apr

  • .net 6 upgrade for Cloud Events On Premise 6 upgrade for Commit To Tax Service (Container)
  • .net 6 upgrade for Credential Storage (Container)
  • Open Banking for new Terms and Conditions
  • Fix ITS 66387 – Move Migration button access from T2 to all users 

Release - 6 Apr

  • Troubleshoot a Hangfire issue

Release 5.7.0 - 6 Apr

  • .net 6 Upgrade for Billing and Usage, Credential Storage

Release 5.6.9 - 14 Mar

  • .net 6 upgrade for MTD – CoreUI (Container) includes DTA
  • .net 6 upgrade for HMRCService (Container)
  • Messages & Documents (eSign)

Release 5.6.8 - 10 Mar 

  • .net 6 Upgrade for Cloud Event

Release 5.6.7 - 10 Mar 

  • .net 6 Upgrade for Permission Service and SyncWorker + Open Integration


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