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CCH Accounts Production 2022.3: Release Notes

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CCH Accounts Production 2022.3: Release Notes

Release Highlights

This release provides a number of enhancements and other usability improvements.

User Guides are available in Help here and the earlier Release Notes can be found here.


Installing CCH Accounts Production 2022.3

This release is installed using the Central Suite Installer. This ensures that all prerequisites are in place and that all the products for which you are licenced are installed in the correct sequence. Click here to learn about the Central Suite Installer.

Legislative & Compliance Updates

Packs updated

The following master packs have been updated for this release. These are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

  • Limited (FRS 102) – pack 44.00
  • Consolidated (FRS 102) – pack 36.00 
  • Limited Micro Entity (FRS 105) – pack 27.00 
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) – pack 31.00 
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) – pack 16.00 
  • Limited IFRS – pack 36.00 
  • Consolidated (IFRS) – pack 11.00  
  • Unincorporated – pack 19.00  

Key changes that apply to multiple packs

Auditors' designation override 

For all master packs that include audit reports, there is a new field #cd999710 that can be used to override the standard designation set in #aw7 (eg "Chartered accountants") at the client level.
Packs affected are:
• FRS 102 Limited, IFRS Limited, FRS 102 LLP, FRS 105 Limited, FRS 102 Group, IFRS Group.

Dedicated Currency translation reserve 

The existing reserve "Other reserve 3" has been repurposed to provide a dedicated reserve for foreign currency profits excluded from retained earnings. The code range 9755-9759 has been amended and extended as follows:

9755    (Other reserve 3 brought forward) - now Currency translation reserve brought forward
9756    (Other reserve 3 increase) - now CTR Translation differences in current year (OCI)
9757    (Other reserve 3 other movement) - now  CTR Other movements incl transfers to other reserves
9758    (new) CTR Tax on translation differences in current year (OCI)
9759    (new) CTR Amounts reclassified to profit and loss (IFRS only) - double entry to 4374 or 4375

The OCI formats have been amended to show translation gains/losses (including where it is combined with the income statement), as has the SOCIE. For FRS 102 packs, the 4 "Other reserves" were previously shown as one figure in the SOCIE and further disclosed in a combined note; this has now been split out into the 4 separate reserves.
Packs affected are:
• FRS 102 Limited, IFRS Limited, FRS 102 Group, IFRS Group.

Limited (FRS 102) Master Pack 44.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign off tab.
  • Page6soci - SOCI: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page7soce - SOCIE: VSTS 236229 - Corrected cells L50 and L89 where "a," and "b," were reversed. VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns.
  • Mgmtdpl3f2 - Schedules To Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Amended page description
  • Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules to include COS.
  • Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Extended schedules to include COS.
  • Note43 - Creditors Due Within One Year: VSTS 246509 - Hide "notes" header for all UK S1A.
  • Note46 - Creditors Due After One Year: VSTS 246509 - Hide "notes" header for all UK S1A.
  • Note58 - Own shares: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.

The following formats were added:

  • Note115 - Other Reserves 1: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Note116 - Currency translation reserve: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Note117 - Other Reserves 2: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.

Paragraph amendments


Name range amendments

New names:        
OTHRES3TAX    Other reserves 3 Tax on translation differences                        9758
OTHRES3REC    Other reserves 3 reclassified to profit and loss (IFRS only)     9759

OTHRES3MOV    Other reserves 3 other movements    was    9757..975Z        now    9757
OCI                      Other comprehensive income           [many items]                 added 9756+9759
OCITAX                OCI Tax - total                                      [many items]                 added OTHRES3TAX    


Statutory database amendments

Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.
SOCIE: Moved grid for other reserves names into SOCIE area from BS notes area.
BS notes - Other reserves: Moved all paragraphs out from Other reserves child node to sit directly under the BS notes node.


Consolidated (FRS 102) Master Pack 36.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page3con - Contents: VSTS 246509 - Suppress SOCIE in filing copy unless overridden. 
    Page4dir - Directors' report: VSTS 246509 - Amended test on Disabled persons and Employee involvement notes (options tab) to look to the total number of group employees. 
  • Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign off tab.
  • Page6soci - SOCI: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page6is - Profit And Loss Account: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page7gsofp - Group balance sheet: VSTS 246934 - Added company registration number to group balance sheet. 
  • Page7sofp - Company balance sheet: VSTS 246934 - Amended company registration number to use same format as on cover page. 
  • Page7gsoce - Group socie: VSTS 246509 - Suppress in filing copy unless overridden. VSTS 246509 - Changed ref in L53 to refer to "b" (prior year) instead of "a". VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Page7soce - Company socie: VSTS 246509 - Suppress in filing copy unless overridden. VSTS 246509 - Changed ref in L48 to refer to "b" (prior year) instead of "a". VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Note18 - Taxation: VSTS 246934 - Amended C7 on attachment to correctly return all the alternatives for "profit" / "loss". 
  • Note58 - Own shares: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Audit trail 15 - Group Audit Trail: VSTS 246934 - Added columnflex. VSTS 246509 - Replace *EI with *EXCEP.

The following formats were added:

  • GrpMgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - New management P&L.
  • GrpMgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - New management P&L.
  • Note115 - Other Reserves 1: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Note116 - Currency translation reserve: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Note117 - Other Reserves 2: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.

Name range amendments

New names:        
OTHRES3TAX    Other reserves 3 Tax on translation differences                        9758
OTHRES3REC    Other reserves 3 reclassified to profit and loss (IFRS only)     9759

OTHRES3MOV    Other reserves 3 other movements    was    9757..975Z        now    9757
OCI                      Other comprehensive income           [many items]                 added 9756+9759
OCITAX                OCI Tax - total                                      [many items]                 added OTHRES3TAX    


Statutory database amendments

  • Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.
  • SOCIE: Moved grid for other reserves names into SOCIE area from BS notes area.
  • BS notes - Other reserves: Moved all paragraphs out from Other reserves child node to sit directly under the BS notes node.
  • Management collection: Added option #mc1 to give option to show detail for cost of sales, distribution and administration in schedules rather than on the face of the income statement.


Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 102) Master Pack 31.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign off tab.
  • Mgmtdpl2f2 - Format 2 Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Changed name to use TERMH2.
  • Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2.
  • Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2.

Name range amendments

CFINVOGL    Cash flow investments other gains and losses    4410+4414..4458 etc  - second term amended to be 4414..4430

Statutory database amendments

Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.


Limited (FRS 105) Master Pack 27.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign off tab.
  • Microdetailedpl - Detailed income statement (105): VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns. 
  • 102dpl - Detailed income statement (102): VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2 
  • Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the income statement (102): VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2.

Paragraph amendments

Audit Report - Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2014: VSTS 246509 - Amended {If} formula in paragraph. 

Statutory database amendments

Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.


Limited Liability Partnerships (FRS 105) Master Pack 16.00

Format amendments

Page1cvr - Front cover: VSTS 246509 - Amended form of Registration number to be consistent with other packs. 
Page5ac2 - Accountants' report: VSTS 246509 - Replaced financial statements header reference with #aw3. 
Page7sofp - Balance sheet: VSTS 246509 - Amended form of Registration number to be consistent with other packs. 

Paragraph amendments

Deleted: Balance Sheet - Members have not required the company to obtain an audit (paragraph is inapplicable to LLPs and was not linked to any field in the statutory database)


IFRS Master Pack 36.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page5aud - Auditor's report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab.
  • Page6is - Income statement: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Page6soci - SOCI: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page7soce - SOCIE: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Note111 - Currency translation reserve: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Mgmtdpl2 - Detailed income statement: VSTS 246509 - Added year headings over all active columns; Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2. 
  • Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules to the detailed income statement: VSTS 246509 - Extended schedules option to COS; Changed name to use TERMH2. 

Name range amendments

New names:        
OTHRES3TAX    Other reserves 3 Tax on translation differences                        9758
OTHRES3REC    Other reserves 3 reclassified to profit and loss (IFRS only)     9759
EBITDA    Earnings before interest taxes depreciation & amortization: [OP] + [DEPINTANG] + [DEPINVPRP] + [DEPNPPE] + [IMPINTANG] + [IMPINVPRP] + [IMPLPPE] + [IMPREVINTANG] + [IMPREVINVPRP] + [IMPREVPPE] - [SALEINT] - [SALEINVP] - [SALEPPE]
EBITDADJ    Earnings before interest taxes depreciation amortization & exceptional items: 

OTHRES3MOV        Other reserves 3 other movements    was    9757..975Z        now    9757
OCI                          Other comprehensive income           [many items]                 added 9756+9759
OCITAXRECLASS     OCI Tax on items that may be reclassified       [many items]   added 9758
OCITOTRECLASS     OCI - total items that may be reclassified added   [many items]  added 9756+9759

Statutory database amendments

  • Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.
  • SOCIE: Moved grid for other reserves names into SOCIE area from BS notes area.
  • BS notes - Other reserves: Moved all paragraphs out from Other reserves child node to sit directly under the BS notes node.

Consolidated (IFRS) Master Pack 11.00

Format amendments

The following formats were amended:

  • Page4dir - Directors' Report: VSTS 246509 - Amended test on Disabled persons and Employee involvement notes (options tab) to look to the total number of group employees.
  • Page4drs - Directors' Responsibilities Statement: VSTS 246509 - Applied formatting to blank cells. 
  • Page5aud - Auditor's Report 2020: VSTS 246509 - Provided optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab.
  • Page6is - Income Statement: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Page6soci - Group SOCI: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page7soce - Group SOCIE: VSTS 246934 - Replaced  J,K,L,M 89-93 with 0 (both tabs).
  • Page7sofp - Statement Of Financial Position: VSTS 246934 - Added company registration number to group balance sheet; Moved 'stop repeating subtitles' command to row that always prints.
  • Page17soce - Company SOCIE: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve.
  • Page17sofp - Company Statement Of Financial Position: VSTS 246934 - Amended company registration number to use same format as on cover page; Moved 'stop repeating subtitles' command to row that always prints. 
  • Page18cf - Company Cash Flow Statement: VSTS 246934 - Added data regulation to debentures line.
  • Audittrail15 - Group Audit Trail - 15 Subsidiaries: VSTS 246934 - Added columnflex plus revised Equity section.
  • Note18 - Taxation: VSTS 246934 - Amended C7 on attachment to correctly return "profit" or "loss". 
  • Note111 - Currency translation reserve: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Page17sofp - Company statement of financial position: VSTS 246934 - Amended company registration number to use same format as on cover page; Moved 'stop repeating subtitles' command to row that always prints. 
  • Page17soce - Company socie: VSTS 246934 - Amendments made to create dedicated currency reserve. 
  • Page18cf - Company cash flow statement: VSTS 246934 - Added data regulation to debentures line. 
  • All company notes (those 25 notes ending in c): VSTS 246934 - Added amendable suffix to notes headings.

The following formats were added:

  • Mgmtdpl2 - Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - New format. 
  • Mgmtdpl3 - Schedules To The Group Detailed Income Statement: VSTS 246509 - New format. 

Name range amendments

New names:        
OTHRES3TAX    Other reserves 3 Tax on translation differences                        9758
OTHRES3REC    Other reserves 3 reclassified to profit and loss (IFRS only)     9759
STKOPEN    Opening stock     0500..059Z
STKCLOSE    Closing stock    0900..099Z
COSEXCLSTK    COS excluding stock    0600..089Z+1000..199Z
F2STKOPEN    Format 2 - Stock opening    0500..050Z+0520..054Z
F2STKCLOSE    Format 2 - Stock closing    0900..090Z+0920..094Z

EBITDA    Earnings before interest taxes depreciation & amortization:  [OP][DEPINTANG] + [DEPINVPRP] + [DEPNPPE] + [IMPINTANG] + [IMPINVPRP] + [IMPLPPE] + [IMPREVINTANG] + [IMPREVINVPRP] + [IMPREVPPE] - [SALEINT] - [SALEINVP] - [SALEPPE]
EBITDADJ    Earnings before interest taxes depreciation amortization & exceptional items: [EBITDA] - [EXCEP]

OTHRES3MOV        Other reserves 3 other movements    was    9757..975Z        now    9757
OCI                          Other comprehensive income           [many items]                 added 9756+9759
OCITAXRECLASS     OCI Tax on items that may be reclassified       [many items]   added 9758
OCITOTRECLASS     OCI - total items that may be reclassified added   [many items]  added 9756+9759

Statutory database amendments

  • Audit report - options:    Added optional override for the auditors' designation on sign-off tab using text #cd999710.
  • SOCIE: Moved grid for other reserves names into SOCIE area from BS notes area.
  • BS notes - Other reserves: Moved all paragraphs out from Other reserves child node to sit directly under the BS notes node.
  • Management collection: Added option #mc1 to give option to show detail for cost of sales, distribution and administration in schedules rather than on the face of the income statement.

Unincorporated Master Pack 19.00

Format amendments

  • Exrep - Exception report: VSTS 246509 - Replaced financial statements reference with #aw3. 
  • Page3con - Contents: VSTS 246509 - Replaced all financial statements references with #aw3. 
  • Page5ac2 - Accountants' report: VSTS 246509 - Replaced financial statements reference with #aw3. 
  • Note01 - Accounting policies: VSTS 246509 - Replaced financial statements reference with #aw3. 
  • Frs102dpl - Detailed profit and loss account: VSTS 246509 - Changed name to use TERMH2. 
  • Frs102dplsch - Schedules to detailed profit and loss: VSTS 246509 - On Other tab, replaced ref to distribution costs in row 11 with ref to OOI. 

Quality Improvements

CCH Accounts Production

ADO 243464 - If accounts are saved to Word and a watermark is added, it appears incorrectly (fixed in 2022.2 SP)

Accounts Production 2022.2 places all the text in textboxes, rather than positioning characters individually. These textboxes by default are white. However some users like to save the accounts to Word and then, in Word, add a Watermark using Design > Watermarks. The watermarks appear but are broken up because the textboxes have a white background. This fix changes the background colour of the textboxes to be transparent to make the watermark show through more clearly. This change was also included in the 2022.2.1 service pack for SQL2019 strict security.

ADO 243560 - ITS/66352 - 0.00 Font size in a Theme causes Preview to freeze

Accounts Production 2022.2 uses a Word format to save accounts to Word or PDF. Word has a minimum font size of 1. Themes which used a font size of 0pt or 0.5pt could not be saved to Word or PDF and could cause the system to freeze. Note that this change only prevents users setting up a 0pt font size through the File > Maintenance > Accounts > Themes option. If you already had one set up on 2022.1, it will still be set up in 2022.2 and will need to be edited manually.

ADO 244536 - When a paragraph is fully justified, sometimes the last line of the paragraph was not left justified when saved to PDF (fixed in 2022.2 SP)

Even if the paragraph is fully justified, the last line should be left justified. However it was actually appearing fully justified on old paragraphs in the now-unsupported Sole Trader master pack which used a pipe character, "|", to insert line feeds. Also long URLs which were clickable were sometimes not wrapped when required. Both of these issues only appeared when accounts were saved to Word or PDF format.

ADO 245587 - Saving accounts with a logo to PDF could show the logo with the wrong size

The problem happened when the image was magnified or reduced in an IMAGE command. For instance in the command


the image should be shown at 10% of its original size. It was fine if the accounts were previewed, but was being saved to PDF with no size reduction.

ADO 250673 - Show a pound or euro symbol in an accounts page, even when being edited

A fix in 2022.2 SP addressed an issue when a pound sign was cut and pasted from Word into a Statutory Database paragraph. It was then accessed in an accounts page using a formula like =AP("#tr3"). When the accounts were displayed, the pound sign appeared as "<". A further related problem is that if the cell containing the paragraph reference is accessed in an Excel formula such as Sheet2!B4, then when the cell containing the Excel formula is previewed the pound sign was not appearing in the preview. This issue has also been fixed.

ADO 241927 - An error can appear on the database upgrade mentioning FK_NameRangeCache_NameRange

The problem happened when a user added a name range, say, ABC to a practice pack and CCH added the same name range to a later masterpack. In this situation, the upgrade should have deleted the user's name range leaving only the CCH name range. However the logic to delete the user's name range was not correct and could result in an error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint 'FK_NameRangeCache_NameRange'". Deleting the user's name range is not ideal because, even if the user's name range is identical to the CCH one, the CCH one is only created in the later masterpack. However fortunately, the situation is rare.

ADO 245586 - Year End - The message "You cannot year end a period with draft transactions" was sometimes displayed incorrectly

This happened as a result of a corruption. CCH has not been able to establish the cause of the corruption, but have been able to avert its effects.

ADO 251237 - View Transactions - Using control-click to view quantities does not work if Debit/Credit mode is on

If you have enabled quantities in the Chart of Accounts screen (or on the masterpack), you can enter quantity balances in Data Entry on nominal accounts that have Quantities enabled. On the View Transactions screen you should be able to view these quantity amounts by clicking a hyperlink on the nominal account. This did not work if Debit/Credit mode was selected on the Ribbon.

ADO 245344 - Import/Export - Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_AccountingPeriodFormats'

This error occurred on a database that seemed to have been subject to a "database merge" which is performed when two practices merge. They had duplicates of some master formats and trying to import client data gave an error. This is now fixed.

CCH Working Papers

ADO 240469 - Working Papers Designer - Error after templates are deleted and re-added

The issue occurred when templates were deleted in the Working Paper Designer, new pages were added and then, perhaps in a later pack, a deleted template was re-added. It could be seen as a calculated section number being repeated, e.g. two A.2's. If more changes were made it could prevent new papers being added at all.

ADO 241466 - Working Papers Designer - If a template is deleted in one pack and added again in a later one it would remove the earlier deletion

The issue was rare, but if a template was added which had been present in an earlier pack and had been deleted, the earlier deletion was removed as if it had never been deleted. It should show as deleted in the earlier pack and as being re-added in the later one.

ADO 243469/246790 - Resyncing an accounting period sometimes does not complete

If changes are made to a pack in the Working Papers Designer, you often want to apply the same change at accounting period level. This is done using the Resync option. Sometimes this process did not complete correctly and a second Resync was required.

Notable Issues

CCH iXBRL Filing issues

Our current Notable issues list is available from Customer Communities on UserDocs.

CCH Working Papers

Our current Notable issues list is available from Customer Communities on UserDocs.

CCH Accounts Production

207516 – Error 49 on upgrade

When logging into Central following a release, the error message “error code 49” is shown.


This indicates that the Central database and the Document Store database are no longer in sync.

Please contact CCH Support for assistance.

237416 - Transferring fixed assets from CCH Accounts Production to CCH Corporation Tax for IFRS

The link from CCH Accounts Production  to CCH Corporation Tax for Tangible Fixed Assets does not work for IFRS clients.

The data must be entered manually in CCH Corporation Tax.

Unable to travel images

Any images stored in the Image Library will not be available in the travelled database.  CCH will investigate providing this ability in a future release.

Unable to load accounting period if server data format is MM/DD/YY

An issue has been identified that prevents CCH Accounts Production from loading the Accounting Period if the date format in your environment is not dd/mm/yyyy. There is no solution to this at present, other than to amend your Date/Time settings in Windows.

206581 - FRS 102 – Countries that are incorporated in region 3

We have an issue with the Directors Report and Investment Property note not printing correctly. The majority of users are unaffected as accounting periods incorporated in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all set to region 1. Republic or Ireland and Eire are set to region 2. Other countries fall into region 3 and there may be a format issue caused by the print condition or row conditions incorrectly testing on either region 1 or region 2.

234971 – Text entered into paragraph is more than one page in length

We have an issue where text entered into a paragraph node in the statutory database does not print correctly if it is more than one A4 page in length.  The bottom of the text ‘falls off’ the A4 page and is not continued on the following A4 page. The workaround is to split the text across two or more nodes, or if that is not possible, enter the text directly into the format cell and make the format local.

Legal Notice

Disclaimer : Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these Release Notes. However, Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, its staff and agents will not be liable for any errors or omissions and use of the software is subject to the customer’s licence with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited. These Release Notes should not be relied upon as a detailed specification of the system or the software. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may make changes to these Release Notes from time to time. This is provided for informational purposes only. The information reflected in this document may be changed or updated without notice. Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited may also make improvements and/or changes in its products, practices, and/or programs described in this document at any time without notice. This document should not be seen as a contractual agreement, a modification or amendment of any existing contractual agreement with Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, or an indication of terms of service. All technical data, specification and other information contained in this document is confidential and the proprietary intellectual property of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited and/or its licensors. No reproduction, copy, alteration, or distribution thereof may be made without the express written consent of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited.

Copyright: These Release Notes may not be copied, altered, edited, disposed of, or distributed without the prior consent of Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited. The content is confidential. Unless indicated otherwise all elements of this software product are owned by Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd. © 2023 Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited

Trademark Rights: Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 98, 2000, XP, MSDOS, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Office, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare are trademarks of Novell Inc. Citrix MetaFrame is a registered trademark or trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited, Wolters Kluwer House, 145 London Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR


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