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CCH Software User Documentation

Pre-requisites for Open Integration Configuration

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Pre-requisites for when Importing Data from Open Integration Configuration.

Open Integration Configuration

For first time users of Open Integration, you will need to run a full synchronisation between CCH Central and Open Integration

Note: the client list is populated from CCH Central.  Please ensure you have created the client in CCH Central in order to view the client in finsit.

To run a full synchronisation:

  1. Within CCH Central, click File > Maintenance > OneClick
  2. Click SyncWorker Management Console
  3. Click Full Synchronisation
  4. Once Synchronisation is completed all businesses will be visible within Open Integration

The data needs to have been connected to a relevant data source, for example, a bookkeeping solution or CCH Accounts Production, please refer to Open Integration connecting to a data source 



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