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CCH Software User Documentation

Homepage Reporting

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The following are some standard errors that practices may encounter when using CCH Workflow. CCH recommends that the system administrator monitors errors by adding all the following homepage controls to their homepage view.

Workflow Service Trace

The workflow service trace allows the administrator to view events that have occurred during the running of workflows.

Workflow Monitor

The workflow monitor displays the workflow service status of running workflows, e.g. when the workflow status is performing an action, the action is displayed within the status column.  Generally the status is idle, unless the workflow is in use.

Workflow unhandled messages

The Workflow unhandled messages homepage captures detailed error reporting and workflows that have been aborted.

Workflow Errors

If the workflow is terminated an entry is created on the Workflow Errors homepage control identifying the point of failure.


When the workflow is terminated, the error needs to be rectified and the workflow recreated against the appropriate client.

Note: Previously completed tasks need to be manually advanced. It is not currently possible to manually override the dates.

Service Broker Errors

If the workflow service is not running at the point of attaching a workflow the following message appears:


The CCH Workflow WCF Service needs to be started.​



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