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CCH Software User Documentation

Step types

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When adding a new step, the step type defaults to "Central Task". This step type is the simplest one, and only requires a user to indicate that they have completed the task. "Central Task (Multi Action)" is similar, except that the user is required to select an outcome from a list (eg approve or reject). Where there are multiple outcomes, the workflow can proceed on a different route, depending on the user's choice. These two step types are the only ones which the user directly interacts with and form the backbone of many workflows, however there are many other step types which provide elements of automation.

Each step type will have its own properties and mandatory requirements, and these are visible in the bottom part of the screen.

As well as the generic step types (shown below), each workflow type may also provide additional step types which are only appropriate to that type. For example a workflow of type "Personal Tax" has an automation step "Personal Tax Online Submission".

Generic step types

The following step types are applicable to all workflow types.

Step type Description Outcome
Central DueDate Task Waits until a period of time has elapsed Workflow moves to the specified step
Central Task Waits until a user has marked as complete Workflow moves to the specified step
Central Tax (Multi Action) Waits until a user has selected an outcome Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Assignment Checks to see if the client has a specific assignment Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Business Type Checks to see if the client is of a particular business type(s) Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Company Checks to see if the client is assigned to a particular company (responsibility tab) Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Contact Type Checks to see  Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Employee Category Checks to see if the workflow or step owner is from a particular employee category or categories Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Extra Field Checks the value of an extra field category Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Check Office Checks to see if the client is assigned to a particular office (responsibility tab) Workflow moves to a step chosen from the outcome
Create Document* Creates a document using a specified Document Management template Workflow moves to the specified step

*Only available if you have CCH Document Management.




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