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CCH Software User Documentation

Client management

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This section provides information on the creation of new clients, finding existing clients and setting up accounting periods. The sub-sections below give more detail in the following areas:

Creating a Client for the first time

  1. New to both CCH Central and CCH Trust Accounts.
  2. An existing user of CCH Central but new to CCH Trust Accounts.
  3. An existing user of CCH Trust Accounts but new to CCH Central.


  1. You will create the client in both CCH Central and CCH Trust Accounts and link the two. 
  2. Only create the client in Trust Accounts and link to the existing client in Central.
  3. Only create the client in CCH Central and then link from within CCH Trust Accounts to CCH Central  


Creating a new client within CCH Central 
  1. Within CCH Central, choose File > New > Client.  This opens the Add New Client Wizard.  Note: If the client is already in CCH Central you can skip this step.


  1. Select the Contact Type as: Trust
  2. You must enter a Code, unless your database has been configured to automatically generate a code.
  3. Enter the Main Name of the Trust.

You may Finish at this point, unless you have compulsory Extra Fields to be completed. 

Important Note: Do not create an accounting period for your Trust within CCH Central - this is done within CCH Trust Accounts.

Client List within CCH Trust Accounts

If you do not see the Clients window within CCH Trust Accounts, click on Activities > Manage Clients from the top of the screen.


Creating a new client in CCH Trust Accounts
  1. From the Clients window in CCH Trust Accounts, click on the New button:
  2. A New client pop-up appears:

Linking to CCH Central upon client creation
Not Linking to CCH Central upon client creation
Select Yes on the New client message, the CCH Central clients list will appear.  There is a Find option to assist with finding a client in the list.  Note the code in CCH Central and CCH Trust Accounts must be identical. Select No on the New Client message and the dialogue box CCH Central clients will not appear


  1. For either scenario, Yes or No, the dialogue box Edit client details will follow. 
    If Yes in (2) above was selected, the Code and Surname fields are populated from Central and greyed out, if required enter the Report name, click OK. If No in (2) above was selected, enter the Code and name of Trust in the Code and Surname fields, if required enter the Report name, click OK.


Note: The tabs on this dialogue box are not relevant for most jobs as superseded by CCH Central.

Setting up Nominal Client details for the first time

To access the client, double click on the client name from the Client list (or single click and click on the Goto button on the right). 
The first time the client record is accessed the Nominal Client Details dialogue box will open.

Ensure you select / enter the following:


Class:                      Chose the Class from the drop down, e.g. Trusts.  Important: This cannot subsequently be changed on this screen.  The format type must match the Class.

Currency:               This will feed through and you will only change if you have the multi-currency module.

Year Ends:             Enter the year end date for This year and Last year
                               The Previous year and Next year will automatically populate.  Important: Ensure Last year and Previous year are correct as they will be locked down. 
                               This Year and Next Year may be edited later, if required.

A/cs formatter:    This will default to Accounts Prod (unless changed by yourselves).

Format type:        Ensure the format type selected from the dropdown matches the Class e.g. Trusts and Trust

To Finish               Click OK, you will be shown a message advising that the Last Year End date cannot be edited later.  If you are sure the dates are correct click Yes.

Explanation of other fields on the Nominal Client details screen:

Currency:            The currency defaults to GBP but can be amended if required by pressing F2 and selecting from the available list of currencies.

A/cs formatter:  All new clients created default to using Accounts Prod. Do not change.

Client file extn:  This field is auto populated by the software and should not be changed. It is used by CCH Trust Accounts to identify client-specific files.

Rounding type:  Recommendation is not to round.

Use Divisions:    When enabled Divisions can be used to show sub-analysis of nominal accounts for use in the final accounts.

Beneficiaries:     This chargeable module allows you to automate payments to beneficiaries.

Finding and Linking existing CCH Trust Accounts clients to CCH Central

From the Client list, select the client and click the Edit button to the right.

This opens the Edit client details dialogue.  From here click the Link button and OK to close.  An * will appear beside the (T) in the Type column.  The example below show the selected client which is not yet linked and a different client that is linked.



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