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CCH Software User Documentation

Why do I receive the message "Account xxx closes off to account yyy which itself has a closeoff"?

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When trying to run a Year End the message "Account xxx closes off to account yyy which itself has a closeoff" appears and you are prevented from proceeding. The user looks at account yyy and finds it has no closeoff a/c.

The usual reason for this message is that a profit and loss range has been defined on the client class. All accounts in the profit and loss range close off to the Retained Profit account. So if a user defines his Profit Account as falling in the Profit and Loss range then this message appears.

The solution is either to switch off the profit and loss range on the client class or to edit the profit account to move it into the balance sheet range. In the second case you can either edit each client's Profit account to a new code or, more easily, you can just edit the nominal a/c code in the master chart to move it which will "ripple down" to all the clients.


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