Property Authorised Investment Funds
Property Authorised investment Funds (PAIFs) are a form of Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC). PAIFs can pay 3 distributions on the same day:
- A normal dividend
- A Property Income Distribution (PID), taxed at 20%
- An interest payment
Several changes have been made to make it easier to process PAIFs on Trust Accounts:
- A checkbox has been added to Edit Security > Attributes to indicate that a security is a UK PAIF. This works similarly to the existing checkbox for UK Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). But there are two differences:
- The REITs setting is completed by running the data feed (either Exshare or Telekurs)
- The REITs setting is only available for shares; whereas the PAIF setting is only available for Units in a fund
- The Income/Acquisition report shows REIT PIDs and PAIF PIDs under the heading of Property Income Distributions.
- PAIF PIDs are also brought into Personal Tax.