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CCH Software User Documentation

DirRange command

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CCH Accounts Production supports the use of the DirRange command to list trustees’ details on the Information Page for a trust, or the personal representatives for an estate. A typical command is as follows:

AP("DirRange,#dr13 #dr11 #dr12 #dr105,IsTrusteeNowAndThen")

The field codes are as follows:




Start date


End date


If Name override is set, then blank. Otherwise the Initials, or if missing, the First name.


If Name override is set, then the Name Override. Otherwise the Last name.


Prefix (if Name override is blank)


Middle name (if Name override is blank). See note below.


Suffix (if Name override is blank)


Shows date retired or died, e.g. “(Retired 4 April 2015)” or “(Deceased 4 April 2015)”

The second parameter, IsTrusteeNowAndThen above, has two parts:

First Part

Officer Required


Reports on beneficiaries


Reports on settlors


Reports on trustees

IsPersonalRepresentative Reports on personal representatives for estate accounts


Second Part

When Acted

Add Acted at any date


Acted at the date of signing the Trustees’ Report (not applicable to trust or estate clients)


Acted at the date of signing the Balance Sheet (not applicable to trust or estate clients)


Acted at any point in the year. (Strictly speaking, it includes all the Officers unless they retired or died before the year start).

So the second parameter is usually set as :

  • For Settlors: IsSettlorAdd as we wish to show the settlor even if deceased.
  • For other officers: IsBeneficiaryNowAndThen, IsTrusteeNowAndThen or IsPersonalRepresentativeNowAndThen.


  • There is currently no setting for the Second Part, if you only want to show officers who served during the year. The nearest is the NowAndThen setting, but that also includes officers who have been added with a Start date after the year end date. This is fine on the Information Page, as it also shows the date appointed. But in other cases, it  may not be what is required.
  • Individual officers can be shown using the #be, #st, #te and #pe commands for  beneficiaries, settlors, trustees and personal representatives. The DirRange command is used for listing multiple officers. Using the DirRange command has certain advantages over using the commands for individual officers:
    • DirRange will use the name override if specified on the Officers screen.
    • DirRange allows the use of the NowAndThen parameter to pick up officers who acted at any point in the year; whereas #be, #st, #te and #pe do not list beneficiaries etc. if they have retired or died, even if they retired or died after the year end.
    • DirRange allows use of the #dr105 parameter to indicate whether an officer retired or died during the year.
  • The DirRange command can also be used to display an individual officer, by adding the number of the officer on the end. For instance

AP("DirRange,#dr13 #dr11 #dr12,IsTrusteeNowAndThen4")

shows the name of the 4th trustee. Note that this does not mean the 4th officer; there may be other officers present between the first and fourth trustee. The ordering of officers is explained on the Officers screen.

  • For listing individual signatories on the signatory page, you use the #bsig command. It honours the name override, if present. But you can't specify which fields are shown.
  • The Middle Name field is not really useful. If you wanted to show the Middle Name, you would also want to show the First Name. But you can only do that using #dr11 and that only works if the Initials are blank. Rather than checking if the Initials are blank for all contacts, it is easier to use the Name Override.



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