The Client details screen
When you select a Client in the Clients screen, either by double-clicking on the client's name in the list, or by selecting the entry in the list and clicking Goto, for the first time after setting up the client you are presented with a Nominal Client Details screen which requires completion:
1. Class |
Chose the Class from the drop down, e.g. Trusts, This controls, amongst other things, the nominal ledger structure for the client. N.B. Once this is selected and you have clicked OK this cannot be subsequently amended on the Nominal Client Details screen. |
2. Format type: |
Ensure the format type selected from the dropdown matches the Class e.g. format type = Trust and Class = Trusts |
3. Year-ends: |
Enter the year end you want to deal with. If you require comparatives in the accounts this is usually the last day of the previous year. Press the TAB key on the keyboard. Enter the remaining year end dates. The date that needs to be entered into the Last year field needs to be a date that is prior to the first investment transaction that the client made. This is so all the investment history can be brought forward to fulfil both CGT and accounting requirements. |
4. To Finish |
Click OK, you will be shown a message advising that the Last Year-end date cannot be edited later. If you are sure the dates are correct click Yes. |
Explanation of other fields on the Nominal Client details screen:
Currency: |
The currency defaults to GBP but can be amended if required by pressing F2 and selecting from the available list of currencies. |
A/cs formatter |
All new clients created default to using Accounts Prod. Do not change. |
Client file extn. |
This field is auto populated by the software and should not be changed. It is used by Trust Accounts to identify client-specific files. |
Rounding type |
Recommendation is not to round. |
Use Divisions |
When enabled, Divisions can be used to show sub-analysis of nominal accounts for use in the final accounts. |
Beneficiaries |
This chargeable module allows you to automate payments to beneficiaries. |
When you click OK you will get a warning message as follows:
Assuming the dates are correct and you click Yes, you are taken to the Client Menu window, which contains two tabs, Nominal Ledger and Investment Ledger.