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CCH Software User Documentation

Favourite Reports

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Useful Information! You can save reports that you run frequently in the Favorites menu, making it quicker to run them on future occasions.

Organising Favourites

  1. Once a report has been added as a favourite you can access it directly from the main menu Favourites.
  2. To add a report to your Favourites, highlight a report in the Reports window, then right click on the report and click Add to Favourites.
    Smart reports - Smart Reports - add favourites.PNG
  3. Click on the main menu Favourites where all the reports added as a favourite are listed.
  4. Click on the Organise Favourites button to change the order that the favourites reports are listed, delete a report, run a report, create a new folder or bring favourites reports to it or even browse to a favourite list from other user, Smart reports - Smart Reports - select employee.PNG.

Smart reports - Smart Reports - view and organising favourites.PNG


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