Running a Report
Run a Report
Ensure you are in the Reports page.
- From the left pane, click to expand the smart report category.
- The subcategories appear and you can select one of the saved reports within it.
- From the list of saved reports, click the report you want to run to highlight it.
- Click Run from the task bar or double click on the report.
- If the Report Fields window is displayed you may have to:
- Specify an End Date.
- Click the Filter column and on the Ellipsis button.
- In the Search field, type any alphabetical character and click Search.
- From the search listing, click a row to highlight it and then click OK.
- The client code populates the Report Fields window in the Filter column.
- Click OK in the Report Fields window.
5. The Report Preview window displays the report. You can use the options on the toolbar to change the view of the report on–screen, and navigate through the pages.
Tip! By default, a single page displays in the preview window, although you can select to display up to six pages at a time by clicking the Multiple Page View button, and selecting two, four or six pages. You can also zoom in or zoom out on the preview and manually select a zoom setting from the drop down box.
There are a number of tools within the Preview window to assist you to move effectively around a report. The Next Page, Previous Page, Forward and Backward buttons allow you to step backward and forward through the pages of a report. The Find tool allows you to search for a word/s in the report.