Setting up Task Codes
Note: A Task Code is allocated to every task. The system contains Task Codes but you can add to these to address the unique needs of your practice. Each task is represented by a short code in the system that represents a short name and description of the task. The task codes are used to define the allocation, completion, budgeting, milestones, time and expenses, and reporting requirements of tasks involved with client assignments. The system administrator usually adds task codes to the system.
Create a Task Code
- From the main menu, select Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Code Types.
- In the Code Types window, click and expand the Code Type you want to add a new task code to.
- In the blank row at the top, enter a Code for the new task.
- Enter a Short Name and Description for the new task.
- Enter a Unit description, e.g. hours or days, for the new task.
Note: Be very careful while entering information into or editing this field as the unit is a global classification used throughout the system.
Enter a Markup for the new task. This amount is displayed as a currency. The Mark-up box is now automatically populated with a value of 1 when adding a new disbursement code type.
Note: Be very careful while entering information into or editing this field as the markup is a global classification used throughout the system.
Enter the Cost Per Unit and Charge Per Unit for the new task. These fields are only available when the code group Disbursements is chosen. Enter the cost per unit for the disbursement code type. When this disbursement is entered in a Disbursement sheet, the charge for the client will be automatically calculated based on these figures.
Select a Tax Rate from the drop down list for the new task. The tax rate is displayed as a decimal containing four digits along with a description. The Output Tax Rate box is automatically populated with the value from the Input Tax Rate box except where the Output Tax Rate is already populated. When adding a new code type, the Output Tax Rate box is automatically populated with the Input Tax Rate selection. Where the Output Tax Rate differs, manually set the new Output Tax Rate.
Enter a CRM Type and select the Availability for the new task.
Timesheet: The task will only be available in timesheets. Users will not be able to use this task to create Smart Tasks.
CRM: A Smart Task will be created and will be available as a Smart Task in the To do section of the Task Bar for clients, contacts, suppliers and assignments.
Both: The task will be available both in timesheets and as a Smart Task in the To do Task Bar option for clients, contacts, suppliers and assignments.
Click the Para button.
In the Code Master Paragraphs window, select the Name of a default paragraph text that you want to associate with the task and appear on the client's invoice.
Move the Name to the right by clicking the move right
Click OK and then click OK on the Code Types page to create the task.