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CCH Software User Documentation

To Do tab

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The To Do tab is where you can view and amend all the tasks or activities that have been planned or carried out for the selected Contact  or Client. From here you can click a task in the list to display the details in the Task Details page, from where you can view or amend the information.

What you can do on the To Do tab

When you are viewing the To Do tab you can filter the list of activities shown using the Show drop-down list and Due Before drop-down list.

In the Show drop-down list you can filter the list of activities based on whether they are Not Started, Planned, In Progress or Complete. The default setting is In Progress. The items listed are also determined by the Due Before. If you only want to view tasks up to a certain date, select that date here.

When the Contact or Client page is selected, the Task Bar displays the Schedule a Task menu. Click an option in this menu to create a new task. The types of activities listed in the menu are defined by your system administrator in the Maintenance area. Examples are Appointment, Write Email, Write Letter. Each activity is assigned to a CRM type. There are five of these available in the system. The icon next to the menu option tells you which CRM type the activity belongs to. The CRM types and the identifying icons next to a menu item are:

  • Appointment

  • Document

  • Email

  • Phone Call

  • Task

Click an item in the Activity Tasks menu to define a task.


You can also access the activity tasks from the Find page when searching for a contact or client. Click a record in the Find page and then right–click and select New Task to create a task for the selected record.


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