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CCH Software User Documentation

Setting up Fee Dimension criteria

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If your practice wants to categorise fee income by the type of business (e.g. New, High Value) it is coming from, you need to set up configuration keys so that these 'business types' are available in the system for you to assign to fees.

Set up Fee Dimension criteria

The first step is to establish the dimension (type of business) details.

  1. On the Main Menu, select Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Fee Dimension.

  2. In the Fee Dimensions window, enter information into the fields as follows:

  • Dimension Name

  • Dimension Code

  • Select the Inactive check box, if necessary.


The application comes with three default fee dimensions: New, Development and Renewal. You can accept these defaults by clicking OK.
  1. Click OK.

To maintain dimensions you need to be able to:

  • add a new dimension

  • edit dimension details

  • delete a dimension only when it is not used by the system

  • make a dimension inactive so that fees cannot be allocated against it


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