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CCH Software User Documentation

Setting up a new Account Status

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Set up new Account Status

  1. Select File > Maintenance > Client/Supplier > Account Status.
    The Account Status window displays a table with two columns, Description and Account Status Type. The top row of the table is blank.

  2. In the Account Status window, in the top cell of the Description column, enter a unique status description. The Description must be informative but not more than 18 characters.

  3. Click the top cell of the Account Status Type column. The drop down arrow appears.

  4. Click List arrow to expand the drop down list. Select from the two options: On Hold and Open.

  5. Click OK to save the new Account Status.  
    ​The new status is added and a new blank row is created at the top of the table.
    The newly added status is available on the Default tab of contact details pages.


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