Amended Returns
Original return submitted in Personal Tax
When the original return is created and submitted in Personal Tax, and has been accepted by HMRC, the Amended Return option becomes available in the online filing screen allowing a new IR mark to be generated and submitted to HMRC. To amend the return:
- Open the tax return for the client that you want to submit to HMRC.
- Make all necessary changes to the tax return data entry.
- In the 'Tax Return' Ribbon Bar click Online Filing.
- Select Amended Return
- The Generate IR mark option becomes available, together with the option to cancel the amendment
- Follow the same steps taken when creating the original IR mark, obtaining necessary client approval before submitting the amendment
Previous submission for current year not made in Personal Tax
2015 and later tax years
When a return for the current tax year has been submitted online and accepted by HMRC not using Personal Tax, for example when filed by a previous agent, to amend the return:
- Open the tax return for the client that you want to submit to HMRC.
- When all data entry is finalised, in the 'Tax Return' Ribbon Bar click Online Filing.
- Before generating the IR mark you can change if HMRC should treat the submission as the original or an amended return with the following two options:
- Original - This default option submits the return to HMRC as the first return for the tax year
- Amended - This option allows you to notify HMRC to treat the submission as an amended return
- After selecting Original / Amended as required, select Generate IR mark and then follow the same steps taken when creating the original IR mark, obtaining necessary client approval before submitting the amendment
Note: The original and amended options are only available for the first submission each year. Once CCH Personal Tax receives HMRC confirmation the return is accepted, both options are disabled for that tax year. All subsequent submissions are treated as amended returns.
2014 and earlier tax years
If an amended return is required for years prior to 2015 please see our Support article 1964