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CCH Software User Documentation

Enterprise Investment (EIS or SEIS)

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The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) allows small high-risk companies not listed on the stock exchange to raise capital. By providing a range of tax reliefs for investors of qualifying shares.  For example, investors may qualify for an income tax reduction based on the amount invested in these companies.

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) allows small high-risk companies not listed on the stock exchange to raise capital. By providing a range of tax reliefs for investors of qualifying shares. For example, investors may qualify for an income tax reduction based on the amount invested in these companies.

Note: whilst both the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are UK government schemes designed to encourage investment in early-stage companies, SEIS is specifically targeted at very early-stage startups, offering higher tax benefits to investors compared to EIS, which is aimed at slightly more established growing businesses; essentially, SEIS is considered a more generous version of EIS for the riskiest investments in younger companies.

  1. Open the Enterprise Investment Scheme section.

  2. In Company, enter the name of the company that is issuing the shares.

  3. In Amount, enter the value of the shares that relief is being claimed.  The maximum is £1,000,000 per year.

  4. In Date of Issue, enter the date that the shares were issued within the current tax year.

  5. Complete the following compulsory tax details:

  • HMRC Office
  • HMRC Reference
  1. Click Save and Close.