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CCH Software User Documentation

Preferences and Settings

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Change Layout and Formatting

From the menu select Maintenance > Tax Settings > Personal Tax > Layout and Formatting. The Layout and Formatting tab appears.

The Layout and Formatting tab allows you to format the following:

  • SA302 tab

  • Font name - Select the font style that you want the form to use.
  • Line spacing - Use the arrows to increase or decrease the line spacing.
  • Print IRmark in footer - Click the check box to add the IRmark at the bottom of the form.
  • Backing Schedules tab

  • Font name - Select the font style that you want the form to use.
  • Line spacing - Use the arrows to increase or decrease the line spacing.
  • Print date in header - Click the check box to display the date at the top.
  • Print IRmark in footer - Click the check box to display the IRmark at the bottom.
  • Tax Return tab

  • Print client name/ UTR at foot of return - Click the check box to add your client's name and UTR to the foot of the tax return.

Note: Ensure that the font you use for the SA302 or Backing Schedule is a font normally supplied as standard with PCs, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman

Add Default Claim Details

  1. From the File menu select Maintenance > Tax settings > Personal Tax >Default Repayment Claim Details.

  2. Click the tabs to switch between adding default details for the SA100 or SA900 Tax Returns.

  3. Click the check box Is a repayment claim to be made if too much tax has been paid, which activates the repayment options:

  4. Select the repayment method.

  5. If you selected the bank/ bank nominee as a repayment method then you will need to add their details at the bottom.

Tip! You can use the Select bank or building society link to add an existing bank or create a new one.

Note: If you also added bank/ nominee details within the Repayment Claim source then this information overrides the details contained within Default Claim Details.

Default Settings

  1. From the menu select Maintenance > Tax settings > Personal Tax > Tax system parameters.

  2. Click the Trust Defaults tab.

  3. Specify the tax office for trust returns.

  4. Enter the Signatory capacity e.g. Trustee.
    This populates the Declaration section on the Tax Return.

The check box Include Signatory capacity in “For” field? Determines how the “For” field on Page 1 of the SA900 is displayed e.g. “Trustee for A Client” if selected,  or “A Client” if not.

Trust Register

When submitting a trust return it is a requirement that Question 20 is answered:

As this is a requirement for online filing purposes, a parameter setting exists, this can be updated if required by the system administrator under Additional details:


Ticking this field automates the ticking of Box 20.1.

If this system parameter is left blank, upon creation of a tax return where Box 20.1 is left blank a message appears in the errors and warnings panel:


Note: Tax Returns created by rolling forward the previous year data do not inherit the new settings. Only newly created returns adopt this setting.

You can override the default settings that appears on the Tax Return for the selected client by updating the information contained within Tax Return Other Information section.


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