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CCH Software User Documentation

Suspending clients

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How to suspend access to CCH OneClick at client level, how to reinstate access, and how to delete a client's CCH OneClick account from CCH Central.

Suspend client access for CCH OneClick

You can suspend your client's access to CCH OneClick either temporarily, or permanently if you cease to act for the client.

Note If you want to use the 'Close Client' feature in CCH Central, you must suspend the client's CCH OneClick account first.

On the following screen, client Deborah Cookie is activated, and has  on a green target icon in the find clients screen:


Double-click the client name to open the client record.

Select the Main subtab, and check the OneClick status. It is currently activated.


Click the 'Suspend OneClick account' icon on the ribbon bar.


An information message is displayed. 


When you click Yes, the OneClick account for this client is suspended, and no contacts for this client are able to log into the client workspace. You can no longer send any new messages or documents to this client.

The OneClick status for the client record is now 'Suspended'.



And the OneClick section of the ribbon has also changed.

The 'Suspend OneClick Account' icon is greyed out and 2 additional icons are active: 'Reactivate OneClick Account' and 'Delete OneClick Account':


Reinstate client access for CCH OneClick

You can re-activate a suspended client at any time. 

Open the client record, and select the Main tab.

Click on clipboard_e538cedd9f2cd6fb862ab0cc841234de4.png on the ribbon bar.

You will see this message when there is only one activated contact:


Or this message when there are multiple activated contacts:


  • Click Yes to confirm the reactivation. The OneClick status will revert to 'Activated'.


Delete a client's CCH OneClick account

Take Care! When you delete a client's CCH OneClick account all their message and document history is deleted from the 'Message Centre' tab, and there is no undo process for this. (If you have the CCH Document Management product, a copy of all messages and documents is saved in the client's 'Document Centre' and these are not deleted by this process).

You can delete a client's CCH OneClick account only if the account is first suspended (see above).

Check that the client's status is suspended


Click on clipboard_ef3e991fe0f4c7902bc7470077378d625.png from the ribbon bar of the Main subtab.

You will get this message: 


Click Yes to confirm the deletion.


Click OK

The OneClick status will show as 'Not activated'.


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