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CCH Software User Documentation

Basic Document Search

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The Search panel sits to the right of the document centre window. It is advised to keepit pinned in view using the pin button

DM Search Push PIn.png

Keyword in Filename \ Document Content - Document Search 

 When you perform a search, in the Search For field CCH Document searches the document File Name.

You can select the Search Document Content tick box to search for words within a document, all matching documents will display.


  • If one or more words are entered in the Search For field then the search will return any documents that contain ALL of the words in any order or position.
  • If one or more words are entered within double quotes then the search will return any documents that contain that phrase.

You can combine the above two options to find any documents that contain a specific phrase AND certain words, e.g. "Statement of Account" 2014 will find any documents that contain the phrase Statement of Account AND the year 2014 anywhere within them.

In addition the basic search allows you to search for a specific document Id.  Enter the text ID followed by the number, e.g. ID123, then click on Search.

Desecription - Document Search 

To search the contents of the Description field of documents , enter the prefix D% followed by the search text e.g. D%project then click on Search.

DocID - Document Search 

To search for a specific document Id.  Enter the text ID followed by the number, e.g. ID123, then click on Search

Note: Before or after performing a search, click Clear Search to remove search filters


Excluded Words

SQL Server does not index certain words that are seen as not adding any value to a full-text index. As well as being excluded from the index they are disregarded when used in search criteria.

The default list of words is as follows. (In addition the $ symbol, all single letters and single digits are excluded.)

about being from into never should they were
after between get is no since this what
all both got it now so those when
also but had its of some through where
an by has just on still to which
and came have like only such too while
another can he make or take under who
any come her many other than up will
are could here me our that use with
as did him might out the very would
at do himself more over their want you
be does his most re them was your
because each how much said then way  
been else if must same there we  
before for in my see these well  



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