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General options for filing

QuickFiling.pngQuick filing

A Quick filling option has been added to the CCH Email Filing Options, on the Filing. If this option is checked, it will suppress the Add Document window when a user drags and drops an email onto the filing tree, provided that a default document type is set and there are no mandatory extra fields required. Any attachments will be filed as part of the email as the Add Document window is not shown, and therefore there is no option to file the attachment separately. 

Sent Emails

The Sent email option will only be enabled for selection if Enable folder monitoring and File email on send are ticked. File email on send - tick this to file emails as you send them. The Add Document window will be opened with profiling details populated by defaults where these have been set.

Tick the Only where email address matches checkbox to only file emails on send if a recipient email address matches a contact in the CCH Central database.

If File Email on send is not enabled in the email filing options, when creating an email, a new button appears in the email header to allow the user to File on Send on an arbitrary basis.

To automatically delete sent emails after they are filed tick the Delete email after filing checkbox.

Configuration options have been added to enable the user to activate automatic filing functionality for replies to filed emails. These options can be set by clicking on the Settings icon, selecting Options and then the Filing tab. If the Automatically file conversation replies option is ticked in the Sent Emails section, when a reply is sent to an email that has been filed in CCH Document Management, the document will be filed with the same meta-data as the original email. The reply will automatically be linked to the original email with the link type Email Conversation and the Add Document window will not appear. Any attachments will be filed as part of the email as the Add Document window is not shown, and therefore there is no option to file the attachment separately.  

Received Emails

Received email options will only be enabled for selection if Enable folder monitoring is ticked.

If the Automatically file conversation replies is ticked, in the Received Emails section of Filing Options, the reply will automatically be filed without utilizing the Add Document window. Attachments will be treated in the same way as for Sent Emails.

Delete email after filing - this option will automatically delete emails after they have been filed using drag and drop to the filing pane, or via the filed details pane.

Monitored Folders

This section lists the folders which are monitored for emails being sent or received.

For more details of the filing options that are available see Email Filing > Tools > Filing in the Online Help.


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